Courtesy of DSD @ Politicaldog101 … [Read more...] about Political cartoons…5/24/2024…Trump Jail…Lying…Cover Up…Unified Reich…Dumpster Fire….
On the latest Q-Poll….Good News for Biden….
This in the NY post...... The Undecideds are in double digits.... Good news for Biden...Not Great.... But Biden IS still trailing in the swing state polling where the elction will actually be won.... Biden edges ahead of Trump as nearly 20% of voters say their … [Read more...] about On the latest Q-Poll….Good News for Biden….
The Supreme’s short shift Black folks again….
This High court's majority keeps generally chipping away at Black Americans voting Rights and Influence... The Supreme Court cleared the way on Thursday for South Carolina to keep using a congressional map that a lower court had deemed an unconstitutional racial … [Read more...] about The Supreme’s short shift Black folks again….
Trump people working on moving the ‘Party’ to the Middle ….
Trump & Co. may seem like they are VERY different that Biden and other past Paresident's.... They aren't..... While the ex-President HAS used his parties RightWingNuts to help him ? THAT IS NOT the case heading for election NOW.... Donald Trump IS heading back to … [Read more...] about Trump people working on moving the ‘Party’ to the Middle ….
Nikki Haley hedges her bets…Will vote FOR Trump
Huh? Nikki Haley Says She’ll Vote for Trump Nikki Haley said she’ll vote for Donald Trump over President Biden this fall, The Hill reports. Said Haley: “As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who’s going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies … [Read more...] about Nikki Haley hedges her bets…Will vote FOR Trump
As usual…Republicans work AGAINST Border Security Legisiation….
Has been THAT their postion forever.... They complain about the border being 'overan'.... Then throw THAT back at Democrats..... The President, and even Democratic states, and cities with legal migrant exports.... (Border crossing are actually down by double digits … [Read more...] about As usual…Republicans work AGAINST Border Security Legisiation….
Threats and acts of Violence against politicians…The Trump Era influence…..
Ex-President fronted power and threats in his campaigning to win against Hillary Clinton.... He NEVER let go of that to rally and advance his support.... And tried to use it , as President, to keep his only government job on Jan. 6, 2021.... Now a man sitting in a … [Read more...] about Threats and acts of Violence against politicians…The Trump Era influence…..
Another look at that NY Times poll of middle May 2024…..
The NY Times poll IS a Big one..... 4,000+ respondents..... But? It IS just another poll , 6 months out, that IS showing the same thing..... The Biden/Trump race AT THIS POINT IS close..... Differnt polls give slightly differnt results.... But the basic IS … [Read more...] about Another look at that NY Times poll of middle May 2024…..