KNOW your History..... Vince Mpls @vincempls March 1933 The Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The … [Read more...] about March 1933 The Enabling Act becomes law in Germany…..
Ukraine Update…853 Days of the Russian Conflict….Ukraine holds its Own…
The conflict continues as a grind..... Ukraine is getting more anti-missile units..... Ukraine hold it's own... Some in Russia want to conquer the entire Ukraine.... Update Below on House GOPer's efforts to defund Ukraine funding below.... Two injured … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…853 Days of the Russian Conflict….Ukraine holds its Own…
Yup…It IS Trump’s party for Better or Worse…..
Humpty Dumpty? A little more than a month before the Iowa caucuses, a Republican political operative was sitting in a Washington bar ticking through the dynamics of his party’s presidential primary. A veteran of campaigns across more than two decades of election cycles, he … [Read more...] about Yup…It IS Trump’s party for Better or Worse…..
Will Republican Wing Nuts sabotage their own Convention?
First it was Donald Trump didn't think much of Milwauki... Now we hear that the Trump people are worried that some Right Wing Nut delegates are going to BLALK at nominating Donald Trump to be their parties nominee! Why? Unknown.... So speculate the group might want to … [Read more...] about Will Republican Wing Nuts sabotage their own Convention?
Trump isn’t REALLY a convicted Felon…Republicans…..
He didn't lose the 2020 Election..... He isn't a sexual predator ..... He isn't in the hole for $850 Million in civil judgements fines.... He isn't a Convicted Felon..... The List just grows of a man who is a altered Reality to those who support him.... Those in … [Read more...] about Trump isn’t REALLY a convicted Felon…Republicans…..
Trump 2024 has Little to NO Get out the Vote ground game…..
Actually? Trump and company, which up to now had been short on cash, and has a candidate that has $850M in outstanding civil fines has OUT SOURCED their ground , get out the vote operation.... Biden and Democrats have a well funded and up and running operation across the … [Read more...] about Trump 2024 has Little to NO Get out the Vote ground game…..
Far-right groups and White Nationalists react to Trump Criminal Conviction….
With racist comments and even threats of possible violence.... This while Black GOP Senator Tim Scott and Donald Trump himself go around saying they want Black votes..... Far-right groups and white nationalists have responded to last week's guilty verdict against Donald … [Read more...] about Far-right groups and White Nationalists react to Trump Criminal Conviction….
Republican House Speaker says he’ll go after those who go after convicted felon Trump….
Seriously? One would think this a joke..... House Republicans HAVE been calling for investiagtions (and defunding)of just about EVERYBODY that does see or do things theur way.... Those efforts have gone NOWHERE.... And? They are NOT gonna stop more prosocutions of … [Read more...] about Republican House Speaker says he’ll go after those who go after convicted felon Trump….