The negitive stuff keeps piling up.... How in the world could people in Georgis even think about sending this guy to Congress as a US Senator? Herschel Walker’s Son Speaks Out Christian Walker, son of Georgia U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker (R), tweets: I know … [Read more...] about Hershel Walker’s son call’s out his dad as NDG….
Maggie Haberman’s Trump book ‘Confidence Man’ should be Required reading for the Feds….
I know thwy seem reluctant to actually nail Donald Trump to the wall for a pattern of illegality because he's an ex-President with some money and a flollowing ... But after reading even the reviews and excerpts on and from the book? Nailing him would be a service for the … [Read more...] about Maggie Haberman’s Trump book ‘Confidence Man’ should be Required reading for the Feds….
LOT’s of money and resources are gonna be needed to make Florida right again….
In resources ? The Coast Guard and the Army helicopetrs are STILL picking up people... Whole islands and other arae's are cut off from the main land.... 58 people are listed as dead...There will be more.... In money? Replacement and rebuilding costs could be as … [Read more...] about LOT’s of money and resources are gonna be needed to make Florida right again….
Conservative Political Action Conference /CPAC wants Biden to stop aiding the Ukraine….
The Republican conservative's group says it supports the Ukraine but doesn't want American monetary support continued... Putting it opposite MOST American's approving US assistance to the Ukraine... There ARE other conservative Republicans who seem to be supporting the … [Read more...] about Conservative Political Action Conference /CPAC wants Biden to stop aiding the Ukraine….
Fla. GOP US Sen. Rubio says he’ll vote against Hurricane Ian relief if bill has extra spending….
Say WHAT????? What does he care about extra spending? This knucklehead would vote DOWN money for his state becayuse he worried about money for OTHER places and things? Yo!.... You people in Florida need to make this guy unemployed.... For REAL.... He ain't your … [Read more...] about Fla. GOP US Sen. Rubio says he’ll vote against Hurricane Ian relief if bill has extra spending….
The Supreme’s will be back at work soon and Americans think they suck……
Less than 50% of American's think approvel of the High Courts collective justices.... The reason? The Alito 5 conservative crew.... Their decsion on abortion, throwing the rukles back to the states , is VERY unpopular with almost 60% of Americans.... But it gets … [Read more...] about The Supreme’s will be back at work soon and Americans think they suck……
Democrats turn to the Republican playbook for the midterms….FEAR…..
Why Not? American politics IS about Donald J. Trump right now.... The media showcases his every utterance ... Most Republicans swear by him.... (And will follow his lead once in office?) Don't matter if his message is negative .... Don't matter is has run a … [Read more...] about Democrats turn to the Republican playbook for the midterms….FEAR…..
Donald Trump For-Profit Trump Rally Company ain’t paying it’s bills….
The American Freedom Tour is following in the footsteps of most Donald Trump business operations... His new social media operation is floudering also... He has a long list of busted business deals and operations .... Most things Donald Trump touches' turns to … [Read more...] about Donald Trump For-Profit Trump Rally Company ain’t paying it’s bills….