The Republican Senator from South Dakota will succed Mitt McConnell.... He isn't Anti-Trump like McConnell... (He has been close to McConnell) But he isn't 'True Believer' in Trump either..... He's gonna have a rough time... Sen. John Thune has won the Senate GOP … [Read more...] about John Thune to be the Senate Majority Leader…..
Republicans keep their US House Majority….
The take over IS complete*.... The 2024 National Election was NOT a Good Look for Democrats , But? Democrats WILL have Trump dissatisfaction and Republican infighting to help them recover for the 2026 midterms, and 2028.... The Republican led House going forward , … [Read more...] about Republicans keep their US House Majority….
Matt Gaetz for US Attorney General?
Huh? Donald Trump is doing one of his 'Fuck You' moments..... Gaetz makes Trump smile.... And most even Republicans VERY UnHappy..... Trump's people tried to talk him out of this...Which IS going to replay over and OVER with the 78 year old alternate reality, felon, … [Read more...] about Matt Gaetz for US Attorney General?
Trump World turn’s on Eton Musk
The Trump groupie IS beginning to wear thin on Trump & Co. “He wants to be seen as having say in everything (even if he doesn’t),” this source said. The individual said that some Trump advisers said they were concerned that Musk didn’t understand one key to being … [Read more...] about Trump World turn’s on Eton Musk
House RightWingNuts want their party ‘s Speaker gone…..
Why? Because the guy HAS made deals WITH House Democrats to actually get stuff passed.... (Haven't we had this situation before?). Its looking like Republicans will hold a slim majority again for two years... A few races have NOT been called and there are going to be … [Read more...] about House RightWingNuts want their party ‘s Speaker gone…..
Biden’s problem’s become Trump’s problem’s
The ECONOMY Immigration Abortion Healthcare Israel Ukraine Congress Taxes Of course he has other worries His felony conviction Federal criminal inal charges which are SURE to go away.... A Georgia criminal trial , that could be put … [Read more...] about Biden’s problem’s become Trump’s problem’s
People HAVE forgotten how Fucked up things was during the First Trump Presidency.... People HAVE forgotten WHY Joe Biden Beat him.... Ya get what you PAY for..... WAIT.... … [Read more...] about Wait…..
Democrats Need to get a House Majority in 2025…Open Thread for 11/6/2024….
Seriously? They NEED to get this to make sure Trump and Republicans have something to stop any Trump run on Congress.... The final makeup of the House will take a bit..... The race for the House is on a knife-edge, with redistricting accounting for some early seat changes … [Read more...] about Democrats Need to get a House Majority in 2025…Open Thread for 11/6/2024….