Donald Trump HAS been all over twitter and the media.... As a result? His approval numbers are about the same... And? Joe Biden keeps his lead over the Republican President as he runs his campaign for his basement... Few if any projections are for a Trump win come … [Read more...] about Swing state GOP Governors think Trump is helping the Joe Biden campaign…
President Trump has NOT made America ‘Great’….Open Thread for May 9, 2020
NOT for us Americans... And NOT for the rest of the planet... Donald Trump has just repeated what he has done as a weasel real estate guy... Build a hollow perception of success... Donald Trump is NOT a leader... Newer was... Never will be... The question … [Read more...] about President Trump has NOT made America ‘Great’….Open Thread for May 9, 2020
The Democratic establishment angst over Bernie Sanders….
He's the latest flavour of the month... And he's back firmly in second place in the race like in 2016.... But like back then?.... Establishment Democrats, Sanders isn't one, do NOT want the independent Senator from Vermont... Sanders has run against Barack Obama's … [Read more...] about The Democratic establishment angst over Bernie Sanders….
Trump and Obama tie for Americans’ most-admired man…Gallup…
Attention IS ATTENTION.... Good or BAD, eh? President Donald Trump and former President Barack Obama have tied for the title of Americans’ most admired man, according to Gallup’s annual survey — marking the first time the current commander in chief has achieved … [Read more...] about Trump and Obama tie for Americans’ most-admired man…Gallup…
The covers come off the Afghan war…It isn’t pretty…
The Washington Post has gained access to a trove of internal documents that show a misguided and inept war effort in that country... The Russians left the country in push that was helped by the American and NATO military....Things have been no better for the … [Read more...] about The covers come off the Afghan war…It isn’t pretty…
Democratic Progressives under attack from…Democrats…
Barack Obama warns against the progressive line from Bernie Sanders and Eliazabeth Warren... Now we have two NEW moderate centrists Deval Patrick and Mike Bloomberg joining Joe Biden , Pete Buttigieg and other Democrats.... All these moderates have been throwing heavy … [Read more...] about Democratic Progressives under attack from…Democrats…
More on the Biden Presidential campaign roll out….
Joe Biden aims straight at Donald Trump.... The theory of lanes in a presidential primary is somewhat overwrought. The idea that more liberal candidates like Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are competing for a defined, more liberal universe of voters, … [Read more...] about More on the Biden Presidential campaign roll out….
The Iranian Revolution is 40 years old…..
While Donald Trump works to destroy Barack Obama's efforts to forge a bridge to the country that was once an American ally.... That country tries find itself ..... There is vast difference in its people vs it's political/military efforts across the Middle East... America … [Read more...] about The Iranian Revolution is 40 years old…..