A CDC look at the different virus's this season.... The numbers should be a surprise to most people....And the media? Politico.…Updated 03/30/2020 3:25 PM EDT Carona virus 856,566 tests 141.950 postive 2,454. deaths… The death rate has actually platuead with … [Read more...] about Carona and Influenza virus numbers …Update end of March 2020
Joe Biden widen’s his lead over Trump in new national poll….
Even with Joe Biden struck in his basement doing media video chats? Donald Trump, even on the TV everyday, is helping Biden politically ? All the 'rally behind the leader' thought on Trump.... Doesn't seem to be working? Especially with Trump confirming his ineptness … [Read more...] about Joe Biden widen’s his lead over Trump in new national poll….
Joe Biden tries to get back in the race against everyday Trump….
From a new studio in his basement Joe Biden tries to get his face back in the media ..... Nervous Democratic donors, and self-interested political media, were fretting that Biden was allowing himself to become irrelevant. On Tuesday, though, Biden began wearing out his new … [Read more...] about Joe Biden tries to get back in the race against everyday Trump….
Donald Trump is more worried about the November election then the virus it could seem….
While Democrats are still waiting for Bernie Sanders to give up and the ones in Congress are doing a stimulus bill? Donald Trump & Co. ARE working hard on the November election .... Joe Biden being nearly invisible IS being taken advantage of.... And virus or … [Read more...] about Donald Trump is more worried about the November election then the virus it could seem….
Where is Joe Biden?
He may have the Democratic nomination sewed up.... He has my vote regardless... And his mailings for money hit my e-mail a couple of time s day .... BUT? The guy IS invisible in the national media..... That why Donald Trump holds a daily (messed up) … [Read more...] about Where is Joe Biden?
Trump is leaning towards lifting social distancing rules in the near future ….
This is NOT a surprise.... The American economy IS a free fall... The media IS running 'hair on fire' reports every minute day and night.... People and the World IS scared.... But at some point? A cratered economy WLL keep going of the tracks and the virus WILL … [Read more...] about Trump is leaning towards lifting social distancing rules in the near future ….
The media rush to push Trump into unlimited power……
The virus shouldn't be advertised as a means for Donald Trump to stop the November election nor should enable Trump's Justice Department throw out laws that guarantee American citizens their freedom... And the media needs to STOP doing this stories which are bound to find … [Read more...] about The media rush to push Trump into unlimited power……
Virus number’s will climb…Still?..Americans distrust the media reports on the situation….
I watched Jake Tapper of CNN last night get indignant at pictures of people in San Francisco walking, running, and skate boarding at the beach in a video... Tapper was mad at this.... The media had reported that the city was under a 'shelter in place' … [Read more...] about Virus number’s will climb…Still?..Americans distrust the media reports on the situation….