The outgoing Republican US Senator says he won't vote for confirmation of ANY Trump Federal judge until Senate Majority Leader McConnell changes his mind and allows a vote on legislation to safeguard Special Counsel Robert Mueller's effort to finish his … [Read more...] about Can Sen. Flake force McConnell to release a Mueller protection bill for a Senate vote?
CNN goes to court against Trump pulling Jim Acosta’s press pass….
Does an American President have the Right to deny Press/Media access to his public events?...... CNN is suing President Trump and "several of his aides" over the White House's revocation of Jim Acosta's press pass, per CNN. Details: The lawsuit is being filed Tuesday … [Read more...] about CNN goes to court against Trump pulling Jim Acosta’s press pass….
Mueller’s team works thru the holiday ….
Further reinforcing the view that anyone who thinks the Special Counsel's investigations are wrapping up are just plain wrong? They showed up to work this Veterans day to question Michael Cohen and work on other things like the guys from Alex Jones INFOWARS..... It appears … [Read more...] about Mueller’s team works thru the holiday ….
Vatican pulls U.S. bishops vote on proposals to tackle sexual abuse, spurns lay and civil investigations
Hmmmmm? What goes on there? The Vatican stymied a plan by America’s Catholic leaders to confront sexual abuse, insisting in a surprise directive on Monday morning that America’s bishops postpone their effort to hold bishops more responsible in the abuse cases that have … [Read more...] about Vatican pulls U.S. bishops vote on proposals to tackle sexual abuse, spurns lay and civil investigations
Law Suit against Trump asylum ban order filed already….
We KNEW this was coming..... So did the Trump Justice Dept., who will defend their boss and Stephen Miller's wishes just like with the Muslin 'Ban' back in 2017..... Civil rights groups are suing the Trump administration over its order blocking certain immigrants from … [Read more...] about Law Suit against Trump asylum ban order filed already….
Trump’s Session’s replacement as Attorney General under growing scrutiny and pressure ….
As the media and others look more closely at acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker the pressure mounts for the guy to NOT do what we ALL think his boss Donald Trump wants... To wrap up the Robert Mueller investigations.... Matt Whitaker has been acting attorney general … [Read more...] about Trump’s Session’s replacement as Attorney General under growing scrutiny and pressure ….
Trump admin seeks to stop illegal border crossers from asking for asylum…
This is NOT gonna last long.... Look for a Federal Judge to be asked to stay/stop this action.... This is Trump continuing to try to make the 'caravan ' of Central Americans enroute to the US Southern Border a political weapon he can use in the media... The … [Read more...] about Trump admin seeks to stop illegal border crossers from asking for asylum…
Federal Judges decision’s become more political in the media reporting…
Actually? Judges have ALWAYS been political applying the law.... Reporters now write their stories that involve judge's referenced with who appointed the federal judge making a decision that might be against/for the Trump admin, thus adding politics to the legal … [Read more...] about Federal Judges decision’s become more political in the media reporting…