The more they look at over in the Mueller group? The more they find questionable and illegal..... … [Read more...] about Robert Mueller’s lament?…..More and More Things just ain’t Right…..
Supreme’s ruling limit’s states and localities practice of imposing excessive fines and property seizers…
The ruling was unanimous..... The high court voted against the practice of states and local governments seizing the assets of those convicted of lesser crimes and even those not even convicted.... The court comments against the usage of those fines and asset seizures being … [Read more...] about Supreme’s ruling limit’s states and localities practice of imposing excessive fines and property seizers…
House Democrats look to draft law for banks to handle marijuana business money….
On the Federal level? Marjuana is STILL a dangerous ILLEGAL substance.... The Trump admin can at ANY time seize account of state cleared marijuana businesses.... A group of US House Democrats would like to have legislation that would allow the banks cover against any … [Read more...] about House Democrats look to draft law for banks to handle marijuana business money….
Majority of Americans don’t approve of Trump’s border wall ‘National Emergency.’….Poll
While Trump presses on with what looks like his attempt to redo his surprise 2016 Presidential win which included a promise to build a border wall between America and Mexico (and have Mexico pay for it?).... American's , in general, continue to be against it..... And by a … [Read more...] about Majority of Americans don’t approve of Trump’s border wall ‘National Emergency.’….Poll
It’s up to 12 states file against the Trump border wall ‘National Emergency’…..Update…
Update.... There are now 16 states going to Federal court against the Trump border state 'National Emergency' move.... .... The list keeps growing..... We'll see if the Supreme's choose to decide the question of CAN a aPresident in fact declare what he thinks is a … [Read more...] about It’s up to 12 states file against the Trump border wall ‘National Emergency’…..Update…
California the first state to sue Trump over his border national emergency throw down….
There will be more lawsuits filed against the Trump action.... The President has acknowledged as much and notes he will lose some Federal Court actions , but hopes to win with the Supreme's.... Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday that California was planning to sue the Trump … [Read more...] about California the first state to sue Trump over his border national emergency throw down….
Trump goes ahead and throws down a Southern Border National Emergency….Screw Congress…Screw taxpayers…
And now will seek to steal money Congress has allocated to other departments and agencies to build his dream 'Wall' so he can make a few rightwingnut media talking heads happy....Never mine that a good majority of Americans think the whole Border wall obsession is stupid and … [Read more...] about Trump goes ahead and throws down a Southern Border National Emergency….Screw Congress…Screw taxpayers…
House Democrats expect to continue looking into all things Trump…
While the Robert Mueller group may finish ivy the end of the year or so ? House Democrats expect to continue investigating the Republican President and his connection to Russian and other business dealing's well into next (election) year.... Illustration: … [Read more...] about House Democrats expect to continue looking into all things Trump…