The American Gun Culture sponsored by the US Supreme Court enabaled has reached expic stupidity..... State Rep. Donna Baringer (D), who represents St. Louis and sponsored the amendment to H.B. 301, said she brought the proposal to the chamber after police in her district … [Read more...] about Huh?….Missouri Republicans block proposed ban on kids carrying guns in public….
Trump continues attacking Republican’s talking about Social Security and Medicare cuts….
CUTS to Medicare and Social Security are NOT gonna happen any time soon.... Some stupid Republicans have talked about doing it anyways... Donald Trump IS smart enough to try to get on the right side of this... This IS something voters of BOTH parties WILL vote … [Read more...] about Trump continues attacking Republican’s talking about Social Security and Medicare cuts….
New York City is shipping Florida/Texas migrants to Canada …..
Borrowing from the Red State political moves.... The Big Apple is exporting migrants to Canada where the migrants may find work and a easier ability to legally immigrate..... A bus ticket to Canada is cheaper then sheltering and feeding families..... New York officials, … [Read more...] about New York City is shipping Florida/Texas migrants to Canada …..
Joe Biden…Jobs….White Working Class voters…..
The New York Times thinks the Democratic President (A union/labor supporter, from back in the day) is working to steal blue -collar voters who shied away from Democrats, to move to them, as he works to do something Republicans under Trump thought they had … [Read more...] about Joe Biden…Jobs….White Working Class voters…..
Ukraine Update…334 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Zelensky visits the UK…..
The Brits where the first to buck Biden and announce they would send tanks..... The Ukraine begins to get ready for receiving fighter jets with British training.... (The Brits are second only to the US in helping the Ukraine in it's Russian fight) The number of Western tanks … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…334 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Zelensky visits the UK…..
Texas Gov tells his agencies to Stop using diversity in hires…..
The Republican Governor seems to be saying that his government won't try to level the employment outreach for minorities and women.... Again? Texas and Florida seem to be trying to backwards to the good ole days.... Problem for Governor Abbot? His state IS running out … [Read more...] about Texas Gov tells his agencies to Stop using diversity in hires…..
IRS wants you to hold up on 2022 filing due to state stimulus checks…..
The Internal Revenue Service doesn't know if they will tax those checks..... This is NOT gonna help the agency in the minds of the Republicans, who have been on their case.... This IS going to make things worst for taxpayers and tax preparers .... One doubts there will … [Read more...] about IRS wants you to hold up on 2022 filing due to state stimulus checks…..
President Biden 2023 State of Union Speech First Impressions…..
Washington Post.... In his State of the Union address, President Biden said “the soul of this nation is strong, because … the backbone of this nation is strong” as he delivered a defiant, sweeping speech, hailing bipartisan laws and challenging Republicans. The speech was … [Read more...] about President Biden 2023 State of Union Speech First Impressions…..