The former General and Sec of State said ...Donald Trump 'lies all the time'.... Seems like Donald Trump has few if ANY military people saying anything good about him....And Trump 'loved' the General's when he got in office, eh? Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is … [Read more...] about Colin Powell will vote for Joe Biden….
Joe Biden
More on the anti-Trump Republicans….
Believe it or not, Mitt Romney and George W. Bush are cousins — 10th cousins, twice removed, that is. Historians at, the world’s largest A NY Times piece on some big name Republicans that aren't happy with the head of their party and just COULD actually vote for … [Read more...] about More on the anti-Trump Republicans….
Joe Biden gets the delegates for the Democratic nomination….
1,993 as per AP News....2 over the needed 1,991.... Biden HAS had this for months now.... This is just 1/2 way to formality of the convention actual awarding of the nomination ... Former Vice President Joe Biden has clinched a majority of delegates to the … [Read more...] about Joe Biden gets the delegates for the Democratic nomination….
Bernie Sanders moves to support Joe Biden for President…
Now if his followers could stop fighting each other and Biden and come on board.... Many Democratic leaders were irate in 2016 over what they saw as Bernie Sanders’ failure to fully get behind Hillary Clinton and work hard to get her elected. Four years later, … [Read more...] about Bernie Sanders moves to support Joe Biden for President…
Voter registration’s increase with protests across the country….
NOT exactly what Republicans might want.... The Obama's have been pushing for American's to increase their voting.... People in the streets have boosted their efforts... Mean while? Republicans are working hard on voter suppression... The only worry … [Read more...] about Voter registration’s increase with protests across the country….
Joe Biden…Probably ’10 to 15% of Americans’ ain’t good people…Addresses racism
You're being VERY kind on your numbers there Joe.... His comments are from a town hall meeting held about racism in America...Biden said that he supports peaceful protests against racism in this country...And that racism isn't gonna just go away...something American … [Read more...] about Joe Biden…Probably ’10 to 15% of Americans’ ain’t good people…Addresses racism
Joe Biden gets caught in the middle on policing….
With media images of cops fighting with suspects and the actions during protests and violence ? Crowds have chanted for police reforms .... Some have even started calling for defunding the police... THAT may play to some in the crowd .... But NOT top those who own … [Read more...] about Joe Biden gets caught in the middle on policing….
Ah?…About that Joe Biden young voter problem thing?
Over @ FiveThirtyEight they think the media reports of Joe Biden's voter problem is NOT much of a problem at all... Some Democrats are worried about former Vice President Joe Biden’s ability to appeal to younger voters. After all, the presumptive Democratic nominee … [Read more...] about Ah?…About that Joe Biden young voter problem thing?