The ok is an emergency one and the British become the first Western nation to go ahead with allowing a Covid-19 vaccine to go out to the public. America's FDA is under pressure to follow suit .... The Pfizer vaccine has unique storing requirements to be used and then there … [Read more...] about The British have approved the Pfizer virus vaccine for its public….
New York Governor Cuomo throw’s away the 3% virus infection rate thing…
That's because the state and it's counties have gone thru the 3% virus infection percentage and is working on +4% to +5%...... Cuomo, like other Governor's, does not want to do strong shut-down like last winter and damage the states' economy.... Pointing to lessons learned … [Read more...] about New York Governor Cuomo throw’s away the 3% virus infection rate thing…
Moderna files for FDA virus vaccine approval….Update…Vaccine’s are shipping….
Joining Pfizer , these are the two vaccine makers that could have their products going out to the public by the end of December.... There are reports of the vaccine's being ready to load on aircraft to be shipped to the satiate already... The state's have been told what their … [Read more...] about Moderna files for FDA virus vaccine approval….Update…Vaccine’s are shipping….
Another look at cutting down the virus ‘isolation/quarantine’ time….
This isn't first post I've done on this.... As scientists and experts get to know more about the Covid-19 virus ? They are beginning to change how we should deal with dealing with it... Changes ARE occurring in Europe... Cutting the isolation or quarantine period down … [Read more...] about Another look at cutting down the virus ‘isolation/quarantine’ time….
NYC Schools to reopen for Special-Ed and Lower grades starting Dec. 7th….
Student's in Middle and High School's will come back sometime in the future New York City mayor DeBlaiso has announced.... The Special -Ed students start back on December 10th.... New York City’s public elementary schools will return to partial in-person learning Dec. 7 — … [Read more...] about NYC Schools to reopen for Special-Ed and Lower grades starting Dec. 7th….
The Pope does a NY Time piece after Barrett’s vote against virus common sense restrictions…
The Supreme Court contested vote to overrule common senes virus related restrictions from government officials is falling flat on its face across the country and world... That the leader of Catholic Church would also chime in about support FOR restrictions is … [Read more...] about The Pope does a NY Time piece after Barrett’s vote against virus common sense restrictions…
Breaking…Supreme’s rule against NY Gov Cuomo’s virus restriction’s for Religious Services….
The temporary decision was 5-4 with new Justice Barrett the deciding vote.... This is NOT a good thing.... Up to now the court have affirmed the power of state officials to use their powers to protect the health and safety of all of us with a sacrifice in the numbers of … [Read more...] about Breaking…Supreme’s rule against NY Gov Cuomo’s virus restriction’s for Religious Services….
CDC thinking of cutting quarantine time to 7-10 days…down from 14….
It is unknown own if the incoming Biden admin will stick with this... The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may soon shorten the recommended quarantine period for possible exposure to COVID-19 — in the hopes that more people will follow the advice, a report said … [Read more...] about CDC thinking of cutting quarantine time to 7-10 days…down from 14….