The US Supreme Court does NOT it appears.... A majority of Americans say the Supreme Court should uphold Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established a constitutional right to abortion, a Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted last week finds. With the Supreme … [Read more...] about American’s support Roe v Wade Aborrtion ‘Woman’s Right’…..Poll
Ukraine Update….65 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Russian oil/gas exports drop coming….
The Ukrainan's ARE beginning offensive military attacks AGAINST inland Russian target's.... Work going on to cut Europe dependence on Russian natural gas imports... The Russian military isn't what others thought it was..... The Mariupol evacuation continues .... Putin … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update….65 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Russian oil/gas exports drop coming….
More on the Democratic issue’s with perceptions…..
Led by a President who is ineffective in talking to the public? Democrats search fro a way to avoid a political beatdown come November elections.... How much time should they spend trying to show voters they grasp the pain of inflation, compared with efforts to remind them of … [Read more...] about More on the Democratic issue’s with perceptions…..
Virus Update 5/2/2022….Variants keep multiplying ….
Covid isn't going away anytime soon.... It seeks to adapt to live on..... New strains seem to be weaker but more infectious.... During those terrifying early days of the pandemic, scientists offered one piece of reassuring news about the novel coronavirus: It mutated … [Read more...] about Virus Update 5/2/2022….Variants keep multiplying ….
New Reports that Russian President Putin has cancer…Will be opereated on….
Reports across the foreign press are that the 70 year old Russian leader is thought to have Parkington's disease also... The report's are that Putin will put control of his contry in the hands of a former Russian FSB secret service head.... Images of Putin in the last few … [Read more...] about New Reports that Russian President Putin has cancer…Will be opereated on….
FDA wants a ban on menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars
The tobacco industry taking it on the chin once more.... But the stuff REALLY isn't good for ones lungs.... The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday proposed banning menthol cigarettes, a landmark action applauded by leading health and civil rights groups that say the … [Read more...] about FDA wants a ban on menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars
Some info on Covid-19 going forward…..Masks still work, even if you’re the only one using them….
This from Five Thgirty Eight...... If there's one thing we've learned since March 2020, it's that pandemics are all about hard decisions. It's hard to keep track of the information that helps us make those choices — let alone notice or remember when new science and expert … [Read more...] about Some info on Covid-19 going forward…..Masks still work, even if you’re the only one using them….
Fauci….’We’re out of the pandemic’
Well.... Not quite.... The President's top mediacl advisor and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is pointing to the statistic's that show that even as more people get the Covid Omicron variant? The severity of the infections are nothing … [Read more...] about Fauci….’We’re out of the pandemic’