The Justice Alito draft rant agaiunst abortion and the subject of 'Rights' HAS set off a shock wave throughout the country.... Fox News is reporting that Chief Justice Ropberts is working to get some wiggle room on the courts upcoming official rullimng coming in June... The … [Read more...] about Reports are that Chief Justice Roberts is working to water down the High Court Abortion decesion….
On line abortion pill orders increase….
Abortion isn't going away.... Not even in Red state's... In a throw back to days of prohibition ? Women WILL find away around the efforts to take away their 'rights'... The 5 High Court members will not change things for hundreds of thousand American women, nor will … [Read more...] about On line abortion pill orders increase….
Tennessee makes it more difficult for mail-in abortion pills…..
The headlines would give you the impression that a woman could be put in jail for ordering them herself.... That is not the case.... Manufacture 's can only send the pills per a doctor's request and the doctor must see the woman in person , several times and view the … [Read more...] about Tennessee makes it more difficult for mail-in abortion pills…..
Virus Updare 5/8/2022….Biden admin expects a fall virus surge….
That makes Biden people very nervous..... Republicans in Congress do NOT want to spend much more money to support the countries efforts to deal with the Covid strains that are outfoxing vaccine manufacture's.... Up to now? Congress and the President have been on the same … [Read more...] about Virus Updare 5/8/2022….Biden admin expects a fall virus surge….
Ukraine Update….69 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Ukraine forces on the Offense….
The Ukrainian military struck at Russian forces in the Northeast of the Ukraine today around two major cities of Kharkiv and Izium....More Arms and Aid keep's pouring into the Ukraine from the West.... (NY Times Link....) The Russian military is concentrating on locking in … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update….69 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Ukraine forces on the Offense….
Sabato’s people on the effect of a Abortion High Court decision against….
Early pundit view.... Right now there are protest's building in the streets for the Supreme's to follow thru with their draft and throwout Roe v Wade and against them.... Will the blow back against the move result in increase in support for Democrats in this fall's House … [Read more...] about Sabato’s people on the effect of a Abortion High Court decision against….
Fox News host Jeanine Pirro was wrong on abortion…
She has shopped around that there was 63 Million abortions a year in America.... There are 330 million Americans.... Something ain't right in her math... The actual number is probably around 890,000.... Some Republicans DO kinda Bull Shit things for their … [Read more...] about Fox News host Jeanine Pirro was wrong on abortion…
New focus on the Abortion Pill…..
Like covid home tests? Abortion's could mobe into the hands of women, away from doctor's, and the long arm of anti-abortionists'... High Court Justice Alito and 4 other justices think women have no 'Right' to 'Privacy' and several states are banning women for taking the … [Read more...] about New focus on the Abortion Pill…..