Russian troops continue to take ground in the Donbas region..... Will a European embargo of Russian oil work? The US Ambassador to the Ukraine, Bridget Brink , has arrived in Kyiv.... The Turkey NATO problem.... Russian forces closing in on the city of … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update….92 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine
Can Austin Texas get around the state Abortion law restrictions?…Could other cities around the country?
What a novel idea... Tell the cops NOT to handle abortion cases? Might be a nice try... But? I would guess the Texas Dept. of Public Safety WILL be directed to be on the case there... Or? The State would try to go after the Austin City … [Read more...] about Can Austin Texas get around the state Abortion law restrictions?…Could other cities around the country?
Ukraine Update….90 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine
3 Months and counting..... Unlike the operation in the cities in the Northwest of the Ukraine? The Russian military has made slow but steady gain's in territory in the South Eastern part of the Ukraine... And those gains will put an enduring economic squeeze on the … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update….90 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine
Most Americans do NOT seem to agree with the ‘Supreme’s 5’ on Abortion Rights….
A very large poll is out with a read that 65% of American's do NOT want the Roe v Wade High Court opinion repealed.... Indeed the issue in another pool is important to 40% of the public.... Anti-Abortionist's might be happy... But they are in a vast minority of … [Read more...] about Most Americans do NOT seem to agree with the ‘Supreme’s 5’ on Abortion Rights….
DeSantis strikes out on a social media punishment effort…
The Republican Florida Governor efforts to punish social media outlets for publishing things that Conservities did not like doesn't fit the First Amendment 'Rights' in America... DeSantis takes the Donald Trump craziness a step further routinely .... And he's running fo0r … [Read more...] about DeSantis strikes out on a social media punishment effort…
Donald Trump is worried about suburban women being pissed about abortion ‘Rights’….
Women get abortions.... Democratic Women .... And Republican women..... Anti-Abortion people don't care.... Seems that Donald Trump.... The Republican 'leader' IS worried that Alito and the other 4 High Court justices could be letting the flood gates open to a … [Read more...] about Donald Trump is worried about suburban women being pissed about abortion ‘Rights’….
Doctor’s told NOT to recommend aspirin for those over 60…..
Why" Bleeding internally..... What has changed this time around? Three large, rigorous clinical trials published in 2018, following more than 47,000 older patients, “really highlighted the risks,” Dr. Khera [ the director of preventive cardiology at the University of Texas … [Read more...] about Doctor’s told NOT to recommend aspirin for those over 60…..
Covid Virus Update…Here for the Long Haul….
Health scientists are finally admitted the truth.... The Omicron variants are winning.... No matter how many vaccines and boosters you get? You STILL can catch the virus.... Furthermore? You cvan have it several times.... The good news is? With … [Read more...] about Covid Virus Update…Here for the Long Haul….