Yes, the coiun try IS run by the Taliban.... Yes, President Biden cut and ran from there.... Yes, they need humanitarian help..... Why is the Biden admin seems to be NOT offering the help it would for just about any place else? The day after what appeared to be the … [Read more...] about Afghanistan has suffered a major earthquake….America isn’t offering aid?
CDC Ok’s virus shots for 6 months to 5 year olds….
Ain't gonna be a rush for parents to have their kids get the shot one would expect..... 70% or so have NOT been vaccinated.... You children rarely get very sick from the Covid virus.... Their born with imminuty systems work better than adults.... On Saturday, the … [Read more...] about CDC Ok’s virus shots for 6 months to 5 year olds….
Ukraine Update….111 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…POW politics…Ukraine Grain…
Europe begins to go back to burning coal to offset Russian natural gas cuts.... China is buying un claimed natural gas for Russia whose energy sanctions appaer to be make MORE money for them.... The EU is trying to figure out how to get embargoed Ukraine grain from the … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update….111 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…POW politics…Ukraine Grain…
Covid cases on the rise….Less serious?
NO one wants to go back to the restrictions of two years ago... So? As cases seem to rise agin.... People react different and go their way.... The vaccine campaign HAS made a difference and the virus sacrificing potency for spreading ability, and some immunity after … [Read more...] about Covid cases on the rise….Less serious?
Excercise IS good for you….
YES.... Human's are built to move.... NOT working your body is NOT helping your health , or your ability to fight illnessw studies are confirming.... “Today, exercise is so well accepted for its wide range of physical and mental health benefits that it is sometimes hard … [Read more...] about Excercise IS good for you….
Medication Abortion a coming frontier ….
Anti-Abortion states are already working to eraticate the procedure for their female citizens.... They will turn to a way to continue to exercise control over their bodies in a differant way.... There’s a new war on drugs looming. But it won’t involve addictive narcotics or … [Read more...] about Medication Abortion a coming frontier ….
Ukraine Update….109 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Peace talks this Summer?
The fight for the SouthEastern Ukraine contiues..... Ukraine President Zelensky takes a trip to the fighting zone.... Peace talks by August? Russia has amassed forces near Severodonetsk in an attempt to seize Ukraine’s last urban foothold in the east, Ukrainian officials said, … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update….109 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Peace talks this Summer?
Joe Biden feel off his bike…He got up…Talked to some people….Then contiued his ride….
For those who might see this story as a negaitive for the President? Please allow me to ask a question.... Has ANYBODY EVER seen Donald Trump on a bike? Remember when he had trouble even walking up a ramp? Biden looks pretty fit to me..... President Biden tumbled to … [Read more...] about Joe Biden feel off his bike…He got up…Talked to some people….Then contiued his ride….