Ok I see some BIG issues for theRussian President Putrin 'draft'.... First? They ain't gonna get 300,000 more Russina men .... Second? If they got 1/3 of that? Were are they gonna get uniforms, rifles, ammo, food and places to keep these guys? Third? It … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update….204 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine
Senate Democrats to President Biden…”COVID is not over”
The Democratic President messed this one up... AGAIN... He did this back in 2021.... Saying things would be over.... It hasn't been... Now Democratic lawmakers in Congress will have Biden's words thrown back them by Republicans as they try to continue funding for … [Read more...] about Senate Democrats to President Biden…”COVID is not over”
President Biden takes back ‘The Pandemic is Over’ comment….
Yup.... Joe messed this up..... AGAIN.... Back in 2021 he made the same gaff..... Saying the virus would be gone... I honestly do NOT know why he does this..... After a rash of criticism's on his view? (HITF is he gonna be asking Congress for Covid testing … [Read more...] about President Biden takes back ‘The Pandemic is Over’ comment….
President Biden declares the Pandemic is over….
Again? He tried this out back in July 2021..... He waas wrong.... He's ahead of himself again now.... (His comment was a feelance off script) Sure the numbers have steeply dedclined..... But people ARE still gettiing Covid..... And we still are cautious about … [Read more...] about President Biden declares the Pandemic is over….
Ukraine Update….196 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine
As Russian President Putin talks to other foreign leaders he gets the same message.... "End it'..... When this ends... Will there actually be 'war crimes ' trials? A burial site in the city of Izyum appears to mark the latest atrocity uncovered by the retreat of … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update….196 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine
Sitting ALL Day ain’t good for ya even if U exercise ….
Human Body works best if it's moving... Did you work out for 30 minutes today? Did you spend the rest of the day staring at your computer and then settle in front of the television at night? If you answered yes to both questions, then you meet the definition of … [Read more...] about Sitting ALL Day ain’t good for ya even if U exercise ….
Alito 5 driven anti-abortion wave has diminished ….
The High Courts Dobbs decsion against Roe v Wade abortion 'rights' brought on rush's in some states to stamp out abortion totally.... It brought on the hope for some to push for a national abortion ban.... That was then..... Post court call things have … [Read more...] about Alito 5 driven anti-abortion wave has diminished ….
Ukraine Update….187 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Rebuilding the Ukraine
Purtin defiant.... Russian slow gass to Europe.... The rebulding of the Ukraine....... A 'no fire' zone around the Ukraine nuclear plant? Russian support for the Ukraine conflict maybe ebbing.... Here’s what we know: In a characteristically defiant speech, Vladimir … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update….187 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Rebuilding the Ukraine