Hot Damn! Right off charges of sexual harrasment are dropped? Andrew Cuomo is back up in the polls that could push him into try to get back his last job as New York State Governor? (Current Governor Kathy Holchul was the Lt. Governor that moved up with Cuomo resigning … [Read more...] about Cuomo right behind Holchul in NY Governor Poll….
Biden Approval polls ARE Improving….
They went up after the State of the Union address to Congress and then sagged for a few days... But? The President seems to be have more than just a approval 'bounce ' with today's improved polling numbers 10 days out from the speech ... Could Joe Biden have turned a … [Read more...] about Biden Approval polls ARE Improving….
Lawmakers agree to a $1.5 trillion spending package for Biden to sign…..
Gone is the Joe Biden being in the class of FDR.... Gone is the Progressives dreams... Joe Manchin's and Republican's view of things IS what WILl be what Biden sign's off on... Oh? and the Pentagon gets more money..... Reality politics bites.... Congressional … [Read more...] about Lawmakers agree to a $1.5 trillion spending package for Biden to sign…..
Russian’s begin to leave their country….
Just as Ukrainan's are leaving their country? Some Russian's that can , are doing the same in larger numbers...., This IS NOT what the Russian President probably envisioned.... A 'brain dain' to the West..... It's not a question of whether people want to leave Russia, … [Read more...] about Russian’s begin to leave their country….
Republican’s want the Supreme’s to let lawmakers overule their voters vote…..
Two states have approached the court to allow them to supersede state courts court order 's trying to allow voters votes to counted and reported untouched by political lawmakers.... While Republicabns thought they would get over in redistricting? Courts around the country … [Read more...] about Republican’s want the Supreme’s to let lawmakers overule their voters vote…..
Day 14 of the Russian move on the Ukraine…Putin has Russia hurting also….
Two weeks in to the Russian effort's to roll over the Ukraine finds the Russian militay effort still unable to conquer the countries main cities....And most of the country, except for the Southern border, were most identify with Russian anyways , STILL in the hands of the … [Read more...] about Day 14 of the Russian move on the Ukraine…Putin has Russia hurting also….
Justice Dept get’s first conviction of Jan. 6th Capitol Protestor….
Justice moves slowly... But IS holding the actoers who went protest and turned that into a riot that overran the Nations' Capitol with violence in a effort to overturn an the 2020 election results ... There have been no more incidences like this since Jan. 6... The House … [Read more...] about Justice Dept get’s first conviction of Jan. 6th Capitol Protestor….
Arizona lawmaker campaigns to white nationalists asking for violence — and makes money off it….
The Washington Post does a piece on Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers , who is pushing a campaign based on racism and getting over.... Yea... They're still out running below thr radar.... Midway through a white nationalist’s conference in Orlando last month, … [Read more...] about Arizona lawmaker campaigns to white nationalists asking for violence — and makes money off it….