Probably just because it was a Holiday Weekend and the reports didn't come in... Also? The numbers now are probably way off since people now have home test kits... A Washinton Post piece on the 3rd year of covid.... A virus whose variant mutations move faster than … [Read more...] about Covid case numbers shown as declining drastically? ….Late Spring 2022…
DeSantis strikes out on a social media punishment effort…
The Republican Florida Governor efforts to punish social media outlets for publishing things that Conservities did not like doesn't fit the First Amendment 'Rights' in America... DeSantis takes the Donald Trump craziness a step further routinely .... And he's running fo0r … [Read more...] about DeSantis strikes out on a social media punishment effort…
Ukraine Update….84 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Ukraine admits their own soldier’s deaths….
Ukraine Presidents admits as much as 100 soliders killed in battle everyday... Reports are that the Russian military has lost up to 40,000 troops in the conflict.... The battle for Severodnetsk gets serious.... US thinking of sending Spec Ops troops to guard … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update….84 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Ukraine admits their own soldier’s deaths….
Ukraine Update….83 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Opera in Kyiv…..
The Ukraine and Russia try to regroup economically going towards the 4th month of the conflict.... This while the conflict goes on in more of a stalemate .... The Mariupol steel plant Ukrainian POW count is at almost 2,500 soldier's.... Ukraine’s National Opera reopened … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update….83 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Opera in Kyiv…..
What?…No More Trump political endorsements?
It seems to have dawned on Trump & Co. that if the Big Guy endorses someone? And that poor person LOSES their primary? It WOULD label Donadl Trump a LOSER in the media... And that? Is N OT something the ex-President like to hear.... This seems to be focuses on … [Read more...] about What?…No More Trump political endorsements?
May 17, 2022 Primary Night after action reports….
Donald Trump get his.... But NOT the whole ball of wax.... His endorsed people got marginal wins mostly from Republican voters... Trumpism is alive for GOPer's ...But it does seem to be running out of gas.... What works for the Greand ole Party is probably gonna cost … [Read more...] about May 17, 2022 Primary Night after action reports….
Trump comes to the defense of Rep. Cawthorn….
Oh, Wow!....This IS gonna get interesting .... Did 'The Donald ' Actually say this? … [Read more...] about Trump comes to the defense of Rep. Cawthorn….
More and MORE Republican’s distance themselves from Trump….
That would apparently include Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz, who did so back a few yeara ago before crawling back on his hands and knees to kiss the Trump ring.... As I have been saying for quite some time now.... Republicans are NOT gonna just sit on the bench and let … [Read more...] about More and MORE Republican’s distance themselves from Trump….