This morning Trump announced that the Justice Department Inspector General would look to keep certain things classified that might reveal 'sources and methods' of how those things might have been obtained.. While Trump is working to undermine the Mueller … [Read more...] about Allied countries ask Trump to NOT declassify everything from Mueller probes…He relents…
Donald Trump
Trump goes after Judge Kavanaugh’s sexual misconduct accuser….
Donald J. Trump the guy with a list of women who have accused him of sexual misconduct and he has paid off to be quiet about those incidents is now confronting the woman who has made accusations against a man up for a lifetime job on the nations highest court... Of course … [Read more...] about Trump goes after Judge Kavanaugh’s sexual misconduct accuser….
Donald Trump’s latest brain fart…. Build a wall across the Shara Desert?
That wall would be to keep immigrants from being able to get to Europe.... That's what the American President to the Foreign Minister of Spain.... (The Sahara is in Africa Donald...) And people wonder why the leaders of the rest of world scratch their head and wonder … [Read more...] about Donald Trump’s latest brain fart…. Build a wall across the Shara Desert?
Donald Trump keeps dissing his Atty. Gen. Sessions….
Translation? WTF didn't you shit-can Mueller's investigation of me and my buddies criminal actions, HUH? You work for me Jeff.... Forget the Law..... I gave you the job.... YOU OWE ME..... Trump suggested he had a personal blind spot when it came to nominating … [Read more...] about Donald Trump keeps dissing his Atty. Gen. Sessions….
Hillary Clinton on Donald Trump….Her fears where Not overblown …..
She won the popular vote.... Lost the election.... Was shocked, like the rest of us.... Wondered about if an NYC Real Estate guy was up for the job? She now says NO.... And is calling for a MASSIVE turnout for the Midterm Elections to fight back against Trump and … [Read more...] about Hillary Clinton on Donald Trump….Her fears where Not overblown …..
Biden gives reason for His and Obama’s recent zinging Trump….
Ex-Presidents and Vice President's do NOT traditionally criticize the current President... In the last week or so both Joe Biden and Barack Obama have aimed at Donald Trump's policies and actions as un-welcomed, ill-informed and wrong.... Former Vice President Joe Biden … [Read more...] about Biden gives reason for His and Obama’s recent zinging Trump….
Would Trump fire Defense Sec Mattis?
I'm going to mark this as unlikely.... (Of course he CAN) The Hill asks this question today based on leaked sources .... The piece says Trump's pissed that Mattis is looked at a rational adult counter to Trump's impulsive and ignorant actions on national security … [Read more...] about Would Trump fire Defense Sec Mattis?
Trump keeps the inadequate Puerto Rico Federal recovery effort in the news….
Donald Trump just doesn't 'get it'.... And in doing so? He's screwing his party guys Scott and DeSantis down in Florida with the Puerto Rico Hurricane Aid issue....Just to defend HIMSELF as usual.... He's also probably making people dealing with Hurricane Florence have … [Read more...] about Trump keeps the inadequate Puerto Rico Federal recovery effort in the news….