Former FBI acting Director Andrew McCabe is coming out a CBS in-depth interview ..... In it he also explains about Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein possibly wearing a 'wire' while talking to Donald Trump.... The 'tell-all' CBS interview is sure to have Trump attacking … [Read more...] about A former FBI Director explains why he started to investigate the President of the United States….
Donald Trump
Donald Trump licks his wounds and tries to sell a loss as a win…..
In the end? Donald J. Trump did Not get his way.... He may have adopted the Grand ole party from the establishment Republican lawmakers for a while.... But even that went south on him.... The November Midterm elections changed everything.... A lot of us knew … [Read more...] about Donald Trump licks his wounds and tries to sell a loss as a win…..
A President that has used religious stereotypes HIMSELF calls for a Muslim House member to quit…..
'Do as I say....Not as I Do'? President Trump demanded on Tuesday that a freshman lawmaker from Minnesota resign after she posted tweets deemed anti-Semitic even by fellow Democrats, but those tweets echoed some of the same insinuations about Jews and money that he has … [Read more...] about A President that has used religious stereotypes HIMSELF calls for a Muslim House member to quit…..
Senate Intelligence Committee does NOT find a direct Trump /Russian connection…
That is primary view coming from the Senators of both parties.... This would back up Donald Trump constant pleading of 'no collusion'.... This is NOT a good look for Trump, though.... After two years and 200 interviews, the Senate Intelligence Committee is approaching the … [Read more...] about Senate Intelligence Committee does NOT find a direct Trump /Russian connection…
How does Donald Trump swallow NOT getting his wall money?
The members of Congress are patting themselves on the back for engineering a 'deal' to keep the government running for without a shutdown again.... Donald Trump has this to deal with this..... At the end of his show on Monday, as President Donald Trump was delivering a … [Read more...] about How does Donald Trump swallow NOT getting his wall money?
Trump vs O’Rourke in Texas border rallies….
The Hill covers both El Paso, Texas border rallies and reports back...... President Trump on Monday knocked potential 2020 Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke as the two men held competing rallies in the Texas border city of El Paso. Speaking at a raucous event that served … [Read more...] about Trump vs O’Rourke in Texas border rallies….
Donald Trump’s legal troubles keep growing bigger and BIGGER….
The guy is under the microscope of Congress, Mueller's people, US Attorney's in New York, Maryland and Wash DC , in addition to New York and other state Attorney Generals.... To think that there isn't gonna be some collateral damage to Donald Trump himself … [Read more...] about Donald Trump’s legal troubles keep growing bigger and BIGGER….
Donald Trump benefited from illegals working for him….
Recent accounts in the media point to a purge of those illegals that had working on Trump properties for years... Some still remain... Others, as pointed out in a Washington Post piece have made and saved enough money to return back to Central Americans countries to … [Read more...] about Donald Trump benefited from illegals working for him….