Joe Biden led the polls before he even declared he was running for President.... Now that he has actually announced? He leads the polls by more... If you follow the polling like I do here at the PDog your can see the 'Biden effect'.... ALL of the other candidates for … [Read more...] about After the Joe Biden’s walk on…What does the other Democrats running do?
Another poll shows a Biden bounce from his roll out….30% over Sanders?
This one is probably an outlier with the YUGE 30% bounce of Biden over Bernie Sanders.... Yesterday there was CNN poll with O'Rourke over Biden... Please disregard that poll as junk.... Joe Biden IS the current front runner for the 2020 Democratic Presidential … [Read more...] about Another poll shows a Biden bounce from his roll out….30% over Sanders?
Joe Biden gets the support from 1/3 of the Florida Democratic state legislators….
A state Joe Biden would need to take away from Donald Trump in a general election seems to be leaning towards giving him the nomination less than year out from primary day.... Biden is ahead in polling for the nomination and against Trump.... Former Vice President Joe Biden … [Read more...] about Joe Biden gets the support from 1/3 of the Florida Democratic state legislators….
Joe Biden’s roll out goes BIG…Updates….
He waited.... And Waited.... AND WAITED..... Folks? It doesn't seem to have hurt him one bit.... But he's gonna have to keep dancin..... Being the frontrunner? Is hard work and hasn't its risk's.... We post up some of stuff out on him almost a week after … [Read more...] about Joe Biden’s roll out goes BIG…Updates….
Joe Biden out raises all the other ‘s in his first 24 hours fundraising effort….
I'd say Democrats.... But Bernie Sanders isn't one..... Former Vice President Joe Biden raised $6.3 million during the first 24 hours of his 2020 presidential campaign, his campaign announced Friday. The big picture: Biden raised more than any other candidate in the … [Read more...] about Joe Biden out raises all the other ‘s in his first 24 hours fundraising effort….
Joe Biden jumps in the 2020 Democratic Presidential sweepstakes ….
He's has led the field from the outside looking in for months... He's polling as the best chance for Democrats to send Donald Trump back home top New York.... Here we go.... It's get serious time for Democrats.... Former vice president Joe Biden announced the launch … [Read more...] about Joe Biden jumps in the 2020 Democratic Presidential sweepstakes ….
2018 had the highest midterm vote number’s in more than 100 years….And it favoured Democrats…
A LOT of people who did NOT in recent elections showed and cast ballot's.... Most where Democrats... And because of this? Democrats gained 41 House seats in Congress.... With Donald Trump in the White House and him and Republican's pursuing the same policies as they … [Read more...] about 2018 had the highest midterm vote number’s in more than 100 years….And it favoured Democrats…
Trump…America.. and the American Political Media…PDog Op-ED
This morning something kinda dropped on me.... The report that Democratic candidates for office next year seldom are asked by voters they encounter about the Mueller report...And Donald Trump.... Wow! REALLY? Yup.... Folks?... there seems to be a disconnect going … [Read more...] about Trump…America.. and the American Political Media…PDog Op-ED