Trump announced that Federal civilian employee's would have NO pay raises this year... Trump isn't running for anything this year... The whole House and some Senator's ARE... The raises HAVE been restored by lawmakers... “Congressional Republicans have tentatively … [Read more...] about Federal Workers WILL get a raise as GOPer’s in Congress defy Trump….
Donald Trump HAS had some political wins by going hard…..
Axios points out something most of us don't like about Donald J. Trump.... Being a hard ass going at things has pissed off a LOT of American's.... (American's tend to like strong willed President's , even if they do things that might hurt them politically) But? He and … [Read more...] about Donald Trump HAS had some political wins by going hard…..
U.S. and Canada Reach NAFTA Deal….
The President Bill Clinton signed trade agreement ( proposed originally by President by Ronald Reagan) has been changed but NOT scaped.... Mexico has already reached and agreement with the Trump Admin... This agreement must be approved by the lawmakers in Mexico, Canada … [Read more...] about U.S. and Canada Reach NAFTA Deal….
The Pentagon rushes to spend BILLONS in the next week…
Whatever they do NOT spend? Goes back to the Treasury. as of October 1st , 2018... The amount of money? Could be as high as $200 Billion for the Defense Dept. and others? (The below piece is date Sept. 19, 2018) The federal government is primed to spend as much as … [Read more...] about The Pentagon rushes to spend BILLONS in the next week…
The Pentagon has 2 Billion Dollars of funds it can spend anyway it wants….
Earmark: In the United States, the term earmark is used in relation with the congressional allocation process. Discretionary spending, which is set by the House and Senate Appropriations Committees and their various subcommittees, usually through appropriation acts, is an … [Read more...] about The Pentagon has 2 Billion Dollars of funds it can spend anyway it wants….
Democratic ‘wave’ is cutting back Republican legislative efforts…..
Republican lawmakers want to get out and campaign against the on coming 'wave'..... They are being forced to play small ball.... Not the big game for Donald Trump.... Congressional Republicans, eager to hit the campaign trail to save their imperiled majorities, are … [Read more...] about Democratic ‘wave’ is cutting back Republican legislative efforts…..
The Federal deficit ballons 32% out to $895 BILLON….
Wasn't the Republicans the ones who harassed President Obama about spending? Didn't THEY want 'balanced' budgets? Didn't THEY instal a 'sequester' to limit spending? Huh? The federal deficit hit $895 billion in the first 11 months of fiscal year 2018, an increase of … [Read more...] about The Federal deficit ballons 32% out to $895 BILLON….
Republicans are readying for a second tax bill effort before the November Midterms…
The chances for such a thing are slim to none.... A half of year later? The first Trump/Republican tax cut/give away law , passed at the end of 2017, is NOT viewed as a favorable thing for a growing number of Americans.... A dozen House Republicans, all but one of them … [Read more...] about Republicans are readying for a second tax bill effort before the November Midterms…