The Republican US Senate member numbers against the Donald Trump 'national emergency' move on the Souther Border to allow him to steal money from other approved Congressional money for agencies and departments seems to be climbing.... Hmmmm? Senate Majority Leader McConnell … [Read more...] about Could a GOP revolt against Trump provide a bullet proof US Senate vote against an override?….
Senate will follow the House in voting against Trump border wall ’emergency’ money grab….
Trump has said he will veto the effort by Congress against his effort to steal money from other programs to build a section of Southern Border Wall with his name on it.... Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Monday said that he expects a resolution blocking … [Read more...] about Senate will follow the House in voting against Trump border wall ’emergency’ money grab….
Trump facing unrest from Republicans on his effort to steal money for his wall….
Donald Trump has been warned continually about declaring a 'national emergency' at the US border with Mexico to allow him to take (Steal) money from programs that Congress has allocated money for.... The process by which a President does declare a real emergency has happened … [Read more...] about Trump facing unrest from Republicans on his effort to steal money for his wall….
Robert Mueller & Co. are NOT Donald Trump’s worst problem…..
Far from it..... It seems to be increasing clear that Robert Mueller may not be after Donald Trump after all.... Rod Rosenstein has been telling Trump that for a while.... Matt Whitaker also alluding to this..... Ok? No.... The Michael Cohen down throw IN PUBLIC … [Read more...] about Robert Mueller & Co. are NOT Donald Trump’s worst problem…..
Politics….Hot tempers and Hugs….Meadows/Tlaib….
Being a lawmaker requires trying NOT to take things personally... You might needs someone you got mad at for a vote tomorrow.... Reps. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) hugged on the House floor Thursday, one day after clashing over allegations of racism … [Read more...] about Politics….Hot tempers and Hugs….Meadows/Tlaib….
The Government will run out of money for its bills in September if Congress can’t pass a new spending limit increase..
We go thru this just about EVERY YEAR.... Because the government spends MORE money then it takes in? Congress must authorize how much the country can borrow OVER what it spends or, the 'Debt Ceiling' Nobody wants the government to say it can't pay its bills.... The … [Read more...] about The Government will run out of money for its bills in September if Congress can’t pass a new spending limit increase..
Federal Reserve Head acknowledges the slowdown of the American Economy….
The fact that Donald Trump's rosy pronouncements about the American economy are false.... Economists have been predicting a slow down as Trump's tries to leverage foreign trade, pass an oversized budget and saddle Americans with a more taxes.... Most of the good feeling … [Read more...] about Federal Reserve Head acknowledges the slowdown of the American Economy….
The push continues to make 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund permanent ….
The benefits for those suffering from the effects of the attack physically and mentally are just coming out for some people... There is NO reason for them to be deprived of benefits... The effort to make the fund permanent cross the party lines.... But there are those … [Read more...] about The push continues to make 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund permanent ….