The Trump supporters are gonna jump on this hard.... So will the media and families of those harmed in the Florida mass shooting.... The FBI has released a statement saying it did not follow protocol after receiving a tip in January on its public access line about Nikolas … [Read more...] about FBI didn’t follow protocol after tip about Florida High School shooting suspect….
Federal Ed Department to move student loan oversight away from the states…
One of biggest drags on young people (and some of us parents) is student loans.... Peddled as easy money for going to college, then become ball and chains after those student's graduate.... The loan companies have been successful in getting the government to back the loans, … [Read more...] about Federal Ed Department to move student loan oversight away from the states…
Donald Trump moves to scare off 2020 primary challengers…
He wants everybody to notice ....... He's made known that he has a campaign manager.... He's made known that he has some 2020 money stowed away.... He now makes it know he's going after more of other people 's money to increase his campaign war … [Read more...] about Donald Trump moves to scare off 2020 primary challengers…
Alabama Dem Senator thinks his state should follow Florida on Gun Control….
Senator Doug Jones seems to be the future for posibel gun control action....Maybe.... Before the Florida Governor's signing off on a soft move for raising the age of purchases, adding a 3 day wait for the purchase?.... Democrats would mostly NOT talk about gun control at … [Read more...] about Alabama Dem Senator thinks his state should follow Florida on Gun Control….
Trump again calls for the death penalty for drug dealers…
The man is serious about this.... President Trump on Saturday again called for enacting the death penalty for drug dealers during a rally meant to bolster a struggling GOP candidate for a U.S. House seat here. During the campaign event in this conservative western … [Read more...] about Trump again calls for the death penalty for drug dealers…
Democrats are unable to change their ‘Superdelegates’ policy…
While Bernie Sanders people want the who policy gone.... The party itself has not be able to deal with the issue , that may stay the way it has been for quite a while.... DNC Chair Tom Perez "is promising the party will curtail superdelegates' role at the 2020 … [Read more...] about Democrats are unable to change their ‘Superdelegates’ policy…
Nearly half of Patriots on first 3 Super Bowl-winning teams report brain injuries…
...from the Boston Globe.... Some 42 of about 100 Patriots who were members of New England’s first three Super Bowl title teams have alleged in a landmark class-action concussion suit against the NFL and the helmet maker Riddell that they have experienced symptoms of brain … [Read more...] about Nearly half of Patriots on first 3 Super Bowl-winning teams report brain injuries…
Sen Elizabeth Warren repeats…AGAIN…’ I am not running for president of the United States’
The Senator from Massachusetts was pestered all thru 2016 about running for President.... She REPEATEDLY said 'No' back then.... She is continuing that 'NO' in the face of media questioning for 2020.... Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) on Saturday said she is … [Read more...] about Sen Elizabeth Warren repeats…AGAIN…’ I am not running for president of the United States’