Anybody surprised at this raise their hand.... Nobody? Ok.... The four Republican senators have been the crucial swing votes to help shape Trump’s trial, and they’ve been in constant communication for weeks. They banded together to devise holding the vote on … [Read more...] about There will be NO additional witnesses called in the Trump US Senate trial….
Bernie and Biden now polling even at 20% in Iowa…
...from Axios.... Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images The latest Iowa poll averages from FiveThirtyEight put Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden neck and neck in Iowa at 20.2% and 20.1%, respectively with less than two weeks before the … [Read more...] about Bernie and Biden now polling even at 20% in Iowa…
Sanders leads in NYTimes Iowa poll….
Last time we had a Sanders leading poll? We had 3 polls come in going the other direction.... But with about 9 days from game time ? Bernie IS in the running... Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has opened up a 7-point lead in Iowa, according to a New York Times/Siena … [Read more...] about Sanders leads in NYTimes Iowa poll….
A book on Why Trump supporters still have his back….
A Book review on something a lot of us do NOT understand.... THE NEW CLASS WAR Saving Democracy From the Managerial Elite By Michael Lind With 114 percent of Americans now having their own podcast, it is not easy to choose the one with the best title. But I’d go with … [Read more...] about A book on Why Trump supporters still have his back….
Breaking…Pelosi will have a vote Wednesday on sending Trump charges to the Senate…
House Democrats plan to vote Wednesday to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate, according to sources in a closed-door Tuesday caucus meeting. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is not yet announcing which lawmakers will serve as prosecutors — also known as impeachment … [Read more...] about Breaking…Pelosi will have a vote Wednesday on sending Trump charges to the Senate…
Mike Bloomberg will continue to drop money for Democrats even with losing the race…
The guy has more money than Trump, Steyer and BOTH parties combined.. It isn't getting him enough votes to get the Democratic nomination so far... So? If he keeps pouring his money into Democratic efforts to have Trump do just a year more in office? Good … [Read more...] about Mike Bloomberg will continue to drop money for Democrats even with losing the race…
President Trump notifies Congress of his future Iran/Iraq actions by Twitter?
Sure.... WTF Not this way? Means he don't have to sit in room with Schumer or Pelosi and get questioned, eh? This IS WEAK! Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump These Media Posts will serve as notification to the United States … [Read more...] about President Trump notifies Congress of his future Iran/Iraq actions by Twitter?
Long lines form at NY State DMV offices for undocumented immigrant’s drivers license application’s…
People wanted in the cold and rain for hours to apply .... Most have been in the New York area for decades and had no way to obtain a license ... Most work.... They do NOT have to list a social security number.... And to actually get the license? They will have to … [Read more...] about Long lines form at NY State DMV offices for undocumented immigrant’s drivers license application’s…