Donald Trump won the two states and few others on BIG promises of bringing job's BACK from outside the country ....And making the economy BETTER..... THAT has NOT happened... The bean counters say the economy is 'healthy'.... Where? Nationally, the economy looks … [Read more...] about In Michigan and Wisconsin?…Trump’s job promises ain’t there….
the Economy
128k American jobs added in October…Trump fronts 330k?
Typical for Donald Trump bull shit fronting.... President Trump spurred confusion Friday after he tweeted about a "blowout" 303,000 jobs figure — minutes after an official government report said the economy added 128,000 jobs in October. The estimate by the Bureau of Labor … [Read more...] about 128k American jobs added in October…Trump fronts 330k?
US Economic growth slowing….
The hype about a 'robust' US economy is just that ...hype... Consumers maybe spending.... But buffeted by higher taxes, little to no income increases and trade wars around the world..and Donald Trump himself? Things are slowing slipping for the American … [Read more...] about US Economic growth slowing….
US Budget deficit climbs to almost the last recession level….
President Obama left with the deficit and the countries debt around $500 Billion..... With Trump0 and the Republicans cutting income thru the 2017 tax cut and two years of budget increases with their then majority congress the gap in spending vs revenue has widen by almost … [Read more...] about US Budget deficit climbs to almost the last recession level….
High level Education Dept. guy quits and says most Student Loan debt should be canceled
And A. Wayne Johnson is a Republican to boot... Student loan debt is in the hundreds of millions and climbing .... The debt is cutting into consumer spending and the abuse in the running of the program seems to be impossible to address... Congress DOES need to do … [Read more...] about High level Education Dept. guy quits and says most Student Loan debt should be canceled
Would Trump try to use a possible Government shutdown for an impeachment deal?
If Congress can't get anything done due to Trump's pressure to stop an effort to get him fired? (And not have enough votes to override him) That would mean NOT passing ANY laws.... That would mean possibly the government running out of spending money... THAT … [Read more...] about Would Trump try to use a possible Government shutdown for an impeachment deal?
Elizabeth Warren has a bit of a Medicare for All issue ….
She is fronting something she has no answer how it would be paid for? Bernie Sanders is up front is saying the all-inclusive healthcare coverage would raise American middle class taxes by trillions.... Is Warren up for raising taxes? At the first Democratic debate, in … [Read more...] about Elizabeth Warren has a bit of a Medicare for All issue ….
Britain and the E.U. have a deal?
That's what the leaders say.... Now will come the hard part.... Selling it to British parliament .... Britain and the European Union announced on Thursday that an agreement on the draft text of a Brexit deal had been reached, a last-minute breakthrough for Prime … [Read more...] about Britain and the E.U. have a deal?