Step away from the headlines and media coverage of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine for a moment.... Turn to the financial media.... The story there is a bit different .... The sanctions and abandoning of contact with Russian business's is a different story.... We … [Read more...] about Russia and Oil…..
the Economy
Target to increase pay for some employee’s to $25 a hour…..
The increase in salary is NOT for ALL of their workers.... It IS an acknowkedgement that empolyers across the country ARE having probvlems finding good help and keeping them... We'll see if out retailer's follow Target's efforts ... And? Will Target'as prices rise to … [Read more...] about Target to increase pay for some employee’s to $25 a hour…..
Can Joe Biden change directions?
Politico and the Washington Post address President Biden's problems with Americans (Polling Numbers) with Midterm Elections coming in November.... When House Democratic leaders met with President Biden this month in the Map Room, they brought with them an unexpected request: … [Read more...] about Can Joe Biden change directions?
Day 5 of the Russian move against the Ukraine….The Russian Army?
We start todays review by saying something that the Pentagon people have figured out... The Russian Army isn't all that... We are now in the 5th day of the effort by the Russians to take two cities they 'thought' they could just roll over.... That has NOT … [Read more...] about Day 5 of the Russian move against the Ukraine….The Russian Army?
The Russian President Loses…..
President Biden's stargey to not let Vladimir Putin Bull Shit his effort to put his foot on the Ukraine has been successful.... The Russian efforts to justify and lie their way on the Ukraine won't work.... Putin's overall effort is also doing something.... It's stripped … [Read more...] about The Russian President Loses…..
President Biden’s Infratructure Bill’s money begins flowing to the states….
This IS something GOOD that Joe Biden has gotten for America.... The money will impact a broad swath of America... President Biden isn't talking about it.... But CNN has a piece about it.... States and local communities are ramping up plans to spend the billions of … [Read more...] about President Biden’s Infratructure Bill’s money begins flowing to the states….
Another poll pointing to President Biden’s weakness with Americans…
A few days out from President Biden addressing the country in his State of Union speech... He is sinking in the polls once again..... The ABC poll linked below is a outlier .... Biden's averge approval rating is more like 40%.... But? His disapporval ratting is in … [Read more...] about Another poll pointing to President Biden’s weakness with Americans…
Day 4 of the Russian move against the Ukraine…Main cities holding…Talks coming….
To the dismay of the Russian President? His efforts to 'liberate' the Ukraine have not gone as planned... While he has had success in overrunning the separatist enclaves in the Eastern Ukraine.... His military has been bogged down in their attempt to take hold … [Read more...] about Day 4 of the Russian move against the Ukraine…Main cities holding…Talks coming….