Russia IS giving up Kherson, its first win in the beginning of the conflict..... The Ukraine is learning how to defeat the Iran made Russian fired drones... Russian Ukraine energy hits are being repaired.... A pleged American anti-missile system is not going to the … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…231 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine….Eight Months…
the Economy
Ukraine Update…230 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine….
The War goes on unabated .... The Ukraine has requested the Israeli 'Iron Dome' antimissile/aircraft system formally as was to be expected*.... Here’s the latest on the war and its impact across the globe. 1. The fight for Kherson Concern is growing about … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…230 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine….
Ukraine Update…229 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…
The US Defense Sec has spoken to the the Russian Defense Sec today.... The rocket attacks continue.... Iran is now part of the Ukraine conflict..... Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of mining the dam at a major hydroelectric power station near the … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…229 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…
The Fed is getting ready for a .75% interest rate hike…Progressives are NOT happy….
Actually? Home buyers and mortagage companies ain't either.... You can add the American consumer to the list.... President Biden and Democrats are ALSO getting politically screwed with this.... Progressive Democrats are ripping the Federal Reserve over deepening … [Read more...] about The Fed is getting ready for a .75% interest rate hike…Progressives are NOT happy….
Ukraine Update…228 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Drone Wars continue
Russia is abadoning Kherson to Ukraian forces.... Russian new stratergy seems to be to destroy the Ukraine energy grid to make Ukrainans tire of the conflict... Iran sends more techical help to the Russian's drone operation which has rained down on Ukraine cities... The … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…228 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine…Drone Wars continue
Joe Biden will do NO big Democratic campaign rallies for the midterms…..
Democrats have a leader that has 50%+ negative approval polling numbers..... He isn't the guy to get invites for the rallies.... They actually aren't his forte... The President is doing what he has done for his entire political career... Low Key.... His last boss, … [Read more...] about Joe Biden will do NO big Democratic campaign rallies for the midterms…..
Biden knocks the Oil companies profit making on gas prices…
The President points out that crude oil barrel prices are dropping as gas prices are rising... As gas prices remain stubbornly high before the midterms, President Joe Biden will unveil actions Wednesday aimed at bringing down costs at the pump and expand the production of … [Read more...] about Biden knocks the Oil companies profit making on gas prices…
Ukraine Update…227 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine
Russian men are missing.... Ukraine shots down missiles over Kyiv..... Martial Law in what Russia still has annexed... House Republicans will want to slow American financial support for the Ukraine.... Here’s what we know: Pro-Kremlin officials said they would move … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…227 days into the Russian move on the Ukraine