President Trump acknowledged a “probably tougher” path to retain GOP control of the House… injecting some political reality into his standard rhetoric that boasts of a “red wave” in November, the Washington Post reports. Said Trump: “I think in the Senate, we’re doing really … [Read more...] about Trump knows the Democrats are ‘odds on’ to get a House Majority ….
Sabato ‘s House Update…More movement away from Republicans…
The ratings changes includes Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Ca).... - Tuesday’s episode of real-life Law and Order involving two figures close to the president, Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort, may not directly hurt the GOP in the midterm. But given their current position, the … [Read more...] about Sabato ‘s House Update…More movement away from Republicans…
A majority of Americans approve of Obamacare…Fox Poll….
Yes... You read the above correct.... That is from right leaning Fox.... And? The GOP so called life saver? The tax cut/give away? Is only approved by 40% of Americans.... Seems like the two of the major policy efforts of Trump and the Republicans for the … [Read more...] about A majority of Americans approve of Obamacare…Fox Poll….
Joe Biden maintains his double digit lead over Trump for 2020….
The next Presidential election is 800 days away in 2020.... That's a long time...But? Polling continues to show former Vice President Joe Biden with a double digit lead over President Donald Trump...(41% to 31%) In the newest poll from Politico/Morning Consult … [Read more...] about Joe Biden maintains his double digit lead over Trump for 2020….
Will Maine GOP Senator Collins have second thoughts about a vote for Kavanaugh for the Supreme’s?
Most pretty much think she's a vote for the Trump pick for the court... Her vote and each Republican one for the judge IS critical.... But a new PPP poll casts some doubt on the wisdom of her giving a vote to confirm right now.... A majority of her voters back Maine … [Read more...] about Will Maine GOP Senator Collins have second thoughts about a vote for Kavanaugh for the Supreme’s?
Donald Trump?…Some GOPer’s running in November don’t want to mention him….
That's what a Brooking Institute poll seems to find.... There have been hints about this for a while... But those hints have been countered by polls showing Trump's approval in the 70's to 80's percent range.. Hmmmmm? President Donald Trump is the leader of the … [Read more...] about Donald Trump?…Some GOPer’s running in November don’t want to mention him….
Majority of New Hampshire Voters Favor Primary Challenge to Trump…
That figure includes a good number of Republicans folks.... Question? When are the pollsters gonna run this question in other places? A solid majority of registered voters and four in 10 Republicans believe a Republican primary challenge to President Trump in 2020 “would … [Read more...] about Majority of New Hampshire Voters Favor Primary Challenge to Trump…
Are Democratic House majority chances being undercounted by pundits ?
There are a LOT of vulnerable Republican seats out there.... And pundits are beginning to give themselves wiggle room in their forecasts of a possible 'Blue wave'..... But here's something that could overlooked .... A majority of Educated woman voters are lost to the … [Read more...] about Are Democratic House majority chances being undercounted by pundits ?