The media is fronting President Trump's 53% approval from the latest CBS New poll.... The felon chaos guy has a Majority of support from Americans? Yep... But I began to look below the headlines..... First? Trump has actually been playing second fiddle to Elon … [Read more...] about A look at Trump’s Approval Poll numbers Middle Feb. 2025….
Emperor Musk losing public Approval by the hour….
Heck, even Republican have lost support for the Twitter/Telsa/Skylink Rich guy peddling his DOGE consulting business.... The vast majority of Americans seem to want Musk to pack his bags 'IN' the America's agencies and leave... There is NO doubt Trump's minions have seen … [Read more...] about Emperor Musk losing public Approval by the hour….
Mass Deportation’s?…Not Really Folks….It’s just Optics ….
Insiders KNEW than the Srtephen Miller & Co. 'Shock and Awe' immigration stuff was Bull Shit Optics from the jump.... Donald Trump, with media help has been selling the 'immigrant invasion' since 2016.... It is simply NOT based on fact..... Nor is the ability of the … [Read more...] about Mass Deportation’s?…Not Really Folks….It’s just Optics ….
Democrats want their party to concentrate on the Economy…Not LeftWing…
Been saying THAT HERE for some time.... When it comes time to actually VOTE? Left leaners might go out and protest, might get media coverage, BUT....did NOT vote in the numbers Democrats NEEDED to win last November.... Abortion, Sexual orientation and even Diversity DID … [Read more...] about Democrats want their party to concentrate on the Economy…Not LeftWing…
Trump’s Approval numbers ain’t Good
His tearing things up ain’t making a LOT of America Happy….. But then he doesn’t care, eh? It’s his last hurrah…. Congress is NOT Better... Direction of Country is Worse.... Friday, January 31President Trump Job ApprovalRasmussen Reports Approve 52, … [Read more...] about Trump’s Approval numbers ain’t Good
Anti-Abortion state’s begin to LOSE population…
They may not have voted last November.... But if a study is right? People ARE voting with their feet.... Moving out of states that are hostile to a woman's 'Right' to choose what she wants with her body.... And THAT could begin to cost state's population, … [Read more...] about Anti-Abortion state’s begin to LOSE population…
Emperor Trump begins his run Out of Steam….
Friction.... Only took him a little more than a week... MSNBC and Maddow is soaring Back... President Trump's Approval DIVES Down.... Another judge clips his wings.....(Gonna be More) And Democrats begin to stir...... As usual? Donald Trump, the … [Read more...] about Emperor Trump begins his run Out of Steam….
Americans DO NOT want to Own Greenland…..
(((Harry Enten))) @ForecasterEnten Of all the things Trump has proposed doing, buying Greenland from Denmark may be the most unpopular. Americans say "no, no, no... awful, awful, … [Read more...] about Americans DO NOT want to Own Greenland…..