The Government of the United States is warehousing migrant children in a desert tent dentition camp in Texas far away from the world.... This is the Trump admin's way of dealing with undocumented children... Hide them in the desert away from the prying eyes and camera's of … [Read more...] about Hundreds of Migrant Children are being Moved thru a Tent Camp on the Texas Border…
Elizabeth Warren IS thinking about running for President…
Why NOT? The media has elevated her above Bernie Sanders and so has recent 2020 Democratic Presidential polling.... Joe Biden is in first place and Warren could have trouble with the black vote in places like South Carolina.... But she SHOULD be thinking about running … [Read more...] about Elizabeth Warren IS thinking about running for President…
Mueller Russian/Trump Investigation Update Sept. 30, 2018….
The Hill does a review of the Mueller actions in the last 16 months and where it is today.... Those who think things are drawing to a close are just guessing.... No one knows except Robert Mueller.... And he ain't telling anyone.... And remember the part about if he … [Read more...] about Mueller Russian/Trump Investigation Update Sept. 30, 2018….
There will be NO limit on the re-opened FBI Kavanaugh background checks….
Last night NBC reported that the FBI would limited on who they would be allowed to question on the reopened Brett Kavanaugh background checks.... I did NOT do a post on this then because I could NOT see how such a order would been seen in the media and by Senate … [Read more...] about There will be NO limit on the re-opened FBI Kavanaugh background checks….
Christine Blasey Ford does NOT have ALL women on her side…
While most of us would think that Ford's story about sexual misconduct back in the day involving Brett Kavanaugh would lock in other women's support? Antidotal interviews by reports do NOT back that view up.... It seems that some women come down on the on going US Supreme … [Read more...] about Christine Blasey Ford does NOT have ALL women on her side…
Steve Bannon warns about Michael Avennati in the 2020 Presidential race…
He's worried about lawyer (Democrat) Mike Avennati's 'fearlessness against Donald Trump or whoever the Republican is gonna be in the next Presidential election.... Avennati is about go after Brett Kavanaugh for his alleged sexual misconduct against one of his women … [Read more...] about Steve Bannon warns about Michael Avennati in the 2020 Presidential race…
Judge rules Congress can Sue Trump over making money from his property as President….
Donald Trump has been using his status as President to get foreign countries to use his facilities( Hotel's Gulf Courses, etc.) and pay for that use in what might been as a way to curry favor with him... That won't hold up in court... (Congress could ok Trump keeping the … [Read more...] about Judge rules Congress can Sue Trump over making money from his property as President….
Is this who a Supreme Court Justice should be?….Open Thread for Sept.29, 2018…
Just a little review..... Brett Kavanaugh is a US Federal Judge... He's a person like us all.... Right now? He's been on the bench for over a decade... Had several FBI background checks and worked for the Justice Department... But? In this weeks US Senate … [Read more...] about Is this who a Supreme Court Justice should be?….Open Thread for Sept.29, 2018…