Tim Tebow says no.... Jay Bilas, a ESPN collage basket ball analyst disagree's.... Let me run this past ya.... American college football teams make almost a BILLION dollars after expenses... College foot ball coach's make salaries in the millions.... The kids that … [Read more...] about Should College athletes be paid?
Other Things
Those running against Trump pen an Op-Ed against less GOP primaries…
...from the Washington Post.... Republican presidential candidates, from left, Joe Wash, Mark Sanford and Bill Weld. (Associated Press photos/AP photos) By Mark Sanford, Joe Walsh and Bill Weld September 13, 2019 at 8:30 p.m. EDT Mark Sanford was governor of … [Read more...] about Those running against Trump pen an Op-Ed against less GOP primaries…
Trump ok with finding of Israeli cell phone listening system around Wash. D.C….
Such a revelation that a foreign country try was listening to American cell phone's around it capital would cause a media headline roll out for at least a few days.. But? With Donald Trump's efforts to help the Israeli Prime Minster's re-election efforts? There is NO … [Read more...] about Trump ok with finding of Israeli cell phone listening system around Wash. D.C….
Osama bin Laden’s son is dead…
America's oversea's Special Operations continue .... Hamza bin Laden, the son of Osama bin Laden whom some considered the possible heir to the al-Qaeda terrorist network, was killed in a U.S. counterterror operation in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, President Trump said … [Read more...] about Osama bin Laden’s son is dead…
More Democrats just feel comfortable with ole’ Joe Biden…
His age don't matter... His gaffes don't matter.... His debates don't matter.... His going back to day don't matter.... With crazy assed Donald Trump tearing everything up daily? Democrats want somebody that brings things back down to earth like it was during … [Read more...] about More Democrats just feel comfortable with ole’ Joe Biden…
Court reinstates case against Trump getting rich from being President while BEING in office…
Donald Trump IS getting paid indirectly by people and countries using his property since he became President... THAT IS a fact.... American President's are NOT supposed to do that according to the Constitution’s foreign emoluments clause... Trump is gonna keep making … [Read more...] about Court reinstates case against Trump getting rich from being President while BEING in office…
Debates and Winning….Open Thread for Set.13, 2019…
Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom Democrats still think that the key to winning is someone who WILL DESTROY Trump in a debate. Get it clear: Clinton mopped the floor with Trump three times and lost. Your only goal is: 270. The rest is a revenge fantasy that won't … [Read more...] about Debates and Winning….Open Thread for Set.13, 2019…
Trump administration plans ban of most flavored e-cigarettes…
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced Wednesday that the Food and Drug Administration is finalizing plans to pull all flavored e-cigarette cartridges from the market, leaving only the tobacco flavor, in an effort to discourage youth vaping. Why it matters: The … [Read more...] about Trump administration plans ban of most flavored e-cigarettes…