People are being asked to stay home from work... Sooner or later businesses and organisations will be affected.... How are people going pay their bills if they don't go to work? Pelosi and Schumer, referring to reports about a potential tax package, said they "are … [Read more...] about Schumer and Pelosi want paid sick leave for individuals dealing with the coronavirus
Other Things
National Intelligence Community gets a rookie boss…
The word is ? The spys are NOT Happy.... There job is to find and report the truth... THAT is gonna be hard with a political and novice new Director of National Intelligence appointed by the same Donald Trump that has never trusted the community that has never trusted … [Read more...] about National Intelligence Community gets a rookie boss…
Top Government Disease Health official…Virus risks are higher for the elderly and sick….
This a sensible warning.... The risks to healthy and young people is NOT the same as to others... The media and Trump admin is NOT relaying that effectively to Americans... The virus IS expected to continue spreading... A usable vaccine is about a year and a half in … [Read more...] about Top Government Disease Health official…Virus risks are higher for the elderly and sick….
A Biden-Bernie Ticket?….Huh?
This trial ballon has been floated in a The Hill Op-Ed.... The ballon should be filled with lead... There is simply NO WAY Joe Biden will put Bernie on his ticket and get away with it among the Democratic establishment and no way Bernie Sanders would accept this... BY … [Read more...] about A Biden-Bernie Ticket?….Huh?
Sanders throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Joe Biden…
It's getting to the time when the boat has left the dock on Bernie Sanders ... Desperation seems to have set it... Sanders is throwing as much as he can to stop the Joe Biden/Democratic Party boat leaving for the nomination land....Democrats on a whole are about defeating … [Read more...] about Sanders throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Joe Biden…
Jessie Jackson endorses Bernie Sanders…..
Okay? Say WHAT? WTF did THAT come form? Desperation for Sanders and I don't know what for Jackson... Oh, Jackson seems to be annoyed that Biden didn't reach out for him? Civil rights activist the Rev. Jesse Jackson has endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders(I-Vt.) for … [Read more...] about Jessie Jackson endorses Bernie Sanders…..
Kamala Harris joins the rest in endorsing Joe Biden…..
The list grows longer everyday as the Democratic Party people fall in line behind their eventual nominee for President.... Harris is probably up for either the Vice President or the Attorney General choice... Her attacking Biden early on in the campaign, which led to her … [Read more...] about Kamala Harris joins the rest in endorsing Joe Biden…..
Amazon seems likely to win in case giant Trump throwing Defense JEDI contract to Microsoft…
A Federal judge has indicated that Amazon lawyers claim that the President of the United States steered the JEDI Defense contract approval from their company to rival company Microsoft as retribution will probably be sustained and that the contract be abridged will be the … [Read more...] about Amazon seems likely to win in case giant Trump throwing Defense JEDI contract to Microsoft…