The Democratic Party civil war continues.... The actions's of the parties Lefties against moderates COULD erase gains their party made in the US House last year... Some Democrats continue 'eating their own' in the short game obvious to a long term goal of getting a majority … [Read more...] about Moderate Democrats fighting their parties lefties…Open Thread for August 20, 2019….
Open Thread/Comments
Open Thread for August 5, 2019…America?….
The below says it all.... Robert Reich @RBReich In Stockholm today an old man asked me “what has happened to your country? You pulled out of Paris climate accord, you let anyone have machine gun, your president spouts hate. The America of my youth … [Read more...] about Open Thread for August 5, 2019…America?….
Mueller asked for no charges …But he did NOT say things where right…Open Thread for July 24, 2019…
He presented almost 500 pages of information.... He presented several cases that WOULD get anyone else in trouble... But he has said repeatedly that Justice Department policy means he couldn't change Trump with anything... Former special counsel Mueller opened his session … [Read more...] about Mueller asked for no charges …But he did NOT say things where right…Open Thread for July 24, 2019…
Trump campaign crowd…’ Send her back!’……Open Thread fro July 18, 2019
Donald Trump continues his history of beating up on strong women...... In 2016, it was “lock her up." In 2019, it's "send her back." President Donald Trump doubled down on the go-back-to-where-you-came-from trope during a Wednesday rally in Greenville, N.C., laying into … [Read more...] about Trump campaign crowd…’ Send her back!’……Open Thread fro July 18, 2019
Could Texas finally turn purple for the 2020 general election?…Open Thread for 7/4/19….
We've been talking about this for a decade.... Texas going the way of California.... Turning toward's Blue for the Democrats... Every election pundits talk about it... But it doesn't happen... Right now?.... Polling shows Joe Biden AHEAD there against … [Read more...] about Could Texas finally turn purple for the 2020 general election?…Open Thread for 7/4/19….
Open Thread for June 26, 2019…Will Healthcare give Democratic gains in 2020?
Immigration isn't the key for electoral win come next year polling seems to be pointing to.... Just like last year? Healthcare could be the Democrats card to out 'trump' Donald Trump and Republicans... A majority of people polled in four major battleground states would … [Read more...] about Open Thread for June 26, 2019…Will Healthcare give Democratic gains in 2020?
Open thread for June 23, 2019….Waiting for the first of the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination debates….
It going to be Democrats...Democrats...DEMOCRATS.... There are something like 23 or 24 of them running in the Presidential nomination sweepstakes.... All are essentially trying to dislodge Joe Biden from the top of the hill.... This first debate's [NBC] will be held … [Read more...] about Open thread for June 23, 2019….Waiting for the first of the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination debates….
In Praise of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi…..Open Thread for June 8, 2019
In a time when Democrats where supposed to be aimless... A time when a there was supposed to be a 'civil war'... The party lawmakers have a leader that is steadfast, strong and holds her own against a President that seems to be going rogue .... Nancy Pelosi has her stuff … [Read more...] about In Praise of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi…..Open Thread for June 8, 2019