There where SEVERAL cases before the court about an American President taking advantage of his state to MAKE money which the constitution seems to prohibit.... Donald Trump didn't think the law applied to him.... And ignored it... The Judges on the nation's highest court … [Read more...] about Supreme’s duck emoluments clause clarity…
Biden admin…Time of the Moderates in Congress?
The Hill does a piece on moderate lawmakers in the new Congress that belong to BOTH parties... They go by several names.... But their goal is to empower politics of the middle something that IS where Joe Biden is gonna try stay... He'll need the help.... Moderates in … [Read more...] about Biden admin…Time of the Moderates in Congress?
Tesla Electric Police car’s….
Fremont Police Department The Electric Tesla unmarked police car is out on the road in Westchester County, NY.....(There are marked units in other places) The Detectives have it so it's not going to be doing traffic stops or high speed chae3ss that might run out the … [Read more...] about Tesla Electric Police car’s….
Civil rights leaders won’t let up….
After the Obama years? The Trump years was a try to go backwards.... That did Not work... Civil Rights leaders will stay on the case to keep going forward.... Even without a Donald Trump to be the villain.... Too much focus on the moment might distract from the … [Read more...] about Civil rights leaders won’t let up….
Some National Guard troops will remain at the Capitol ….
As the number of citizen soldiers declines in Washington DC and things try to resume to some sort of natural? There will be contingent of troops left in reserve until at least after the Trump impeachment trail... Sounds smarts and reasonable... They just have find a good … [Read more...] about Some National Guard troops will remain at the Capitol ….
Joe Biden starts out with Good poll numbers…Open Thread for Jan. 23, 2021
The other guy was just below 40% going out the door to Florida.... President Biden is almost 20% higher ... Also? Much higher than the other guys numbers four years ago... We won't miss the chaos factor we suffered thru for FOUR years.... We need this … [Read more...] about Joe Biden starts out with Good poll numbers…Open Thread for Jan. 23, 2021
More on the Trump/Clark Georgia efforts to change the vote…
The NY Times does a good job in running down this ..... This IS what the media looks like doing a service for America.... ...Mr. Perry, an outspoken Pennsylvania Republican, played a significant role in the crisis that played out at the top of the Justice Department this … [Read more...] about More on the Trump/Clark Georgia efforts to change the vote…
Biden/Harris win = New Republican Voter Suppression Efforts…
The present efforts did NOT work on November 3rd.... Nor did they work in Georgia on January 6th.... It appears that members of the Republican party will redouble their efforts going forward to stop 'some' people from voting.... Republican legislators across the country … [Read more...] about Biden/Harris win = New Republican Voter Suppression Efforts…