From day one a President Donald Trump has shown little need for U.S Diplomats.... Trump, isn't interested in any foreign affairs policy that doesn't have the word money in it .... In the almost three years he's been President he cut the State Department's budget... He … [Read more...] about Trump State Department’s does payback to the boss….
Fox host…20% chance that Republican Senator’s COULD vote to convict Trump….
Chris Wallace over at right leaning Fox News says a source he talked to has indicated what some of us have thought.... Daily revelations of wrong doing by Donald Trump and his cronies don't have Republican lawmakers saying much, But? They ARE, and HAVE Been unnerved and … [Read more...] about Fox host…20% chance that Republican Senator’s COULD vote to convict Trump….
Would Trump try to use a possible Government shutdown for an impeachment deal?
If Congress can't get anything done due to Trump's pressure to stop an effort to get him fired? (And not have enough votes to override him) That would mean NOT passing ANY laws.... That would mean possibly the government running out of spending money... THAT … [Read more...] about Would Trump try to use a possible Government shutdown for an impeachment deal?
British Parliament votes for Another Brexit extension…Puts their Prime Minister’s plans off….
I have to say this... British lawmakers HAVE BALLS that the American Congress does NOT.... They , across the pond, m have NOT rubber stamped Prime Minster Johnson's efforts to give the country a exit agreement that doesn't fit... Here in America? There is no such … [Read more...] about British Parliament votes for Another Brexit extension…Puts their Prime Minister’s plans off….
Donald Trump’s ‘go it alone’ Presidency …Open Thread for 10/19/19
A New York Real Estate guy who liked entertainment as President of the United States doing a one man show! Got the job with almost 3 million people voting AGAINST him.... Hasn't got one of his trade agreements 'deals'... Has worked hard to build a wall that … [Read more...] about Donald Trump’s ‘go it alone’ Presidency …Open Thread for 10/19/19
The GOP US Senate dynamic for a probable Trump impeachment trial gets serious….
What was once thought of a slam dunk Donald Trump 'no convict' vote is now a bit of worry for US Senate Republicans ... There is no more one whistle blower to deal with... House Democrats now have other inside White House and Government department people singing like birds … [Read more...] about The GOP US Senate dynamic for a probable Trump impeachment trial gets serious….
State Dept. finds no ‘systemic’ classified violation in Hillary Clinton private-server emails
And so Donald Trump's State Department joins the FBI in debunking the very thing that helped derail her campaign in 2016 for the Presidency.... Too little... Too late.... A State Department investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s … [Read more...] about State Dept. finds no ‘systemic’ classified violation in Hillary Clinton private-server emails
Donald Trump’s Syria/Turkey/Kurds cease fire ‘deal ‘ain’t happening….
The cease fire hasn't occurred..... Did President Trump get duped into believing Turkey would stop it's going after more land in Northern Syria? With American troops withdrawn and Russian and Syrian Troop's in the region with Kurds? America has NO influence or control on … [Read more...] about Donald Trump’s Syria/Turkey/Kurds cease fire ‘deal ‘ain’t happening….