We KNEW that at some point this was gonna be the situation.... 'Man the Lifeboats!" I thought it would not happen until September.... More down ballot bailing IS gonna occur... McConnell is now signally that his majority is in serious trouble.... And Donald Trump … [Read more...] about Senate Republican Leader McConnell tells some party Senator’s to walk away from Trump to save their jobs….
Enforcing Wear Your Mask….
Not an easy job.... Since the road reopened on June 1, infections have leaped twelvefold. The rest of Florida has been gripped by the coronavirus, with more than 461,000 cases and over 6,500 deaths. Thursday was the third day in a row that Florida broke its record for the … [Read more...] about Enforcing Wear Your Mask….
Running desperate….Trump is down to his last hope…’Rigged Election’…
The big guy knows he's in deep shit.... So he continues with his attack on the very way he got his job.... The election process... It isn't gonna work... But he's running out of time and options.... Yesterday Congress told him they won't let change the date of the … [Read more...] about Running desperate….Trump is down to his last hope…’Rigged Election’…
Donald Trump NEVER gave a shit about his fellow Republicans…..
Remember he campaigned AGAINST them to get the Presidency... He's going leave the stage with those who carried the water for him sucking wind... And looking stupid in hindsight.... Trump Has No Interest in Protecting GOP Lawmakers Jonathan Last: “What is Donald … [Read more...] about Donald Trump NEVER gave a shit about his fellow Republicans…..
The story about how the FBI hid stuff from Donald Trump…The President…
CNN's legal guy Jeffery Tobin gets a jump on the stories that will be coming out from the FBI and Justice Department after the November election... Adapted from "TRUE CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS: The Investigation of Donald Trump," by Jeffrey Toobin. Copyright © 2020. Available … [Read more...] about The story about how the FBI hid stuff from Donald Trump…The President…
Is a Trump donor/Postal Boss seeking to help the President screw up the November election mail?
Republicans have been the champions of voter suppression in different forms.... With Donald Trump in serious trouble could he be seeking to use the US Mail system to also stifle the vote? This year, owing to the coronavirus pandemic, election technocrats face intense … [Read more...] about Is a Trump donor/Postal Boss seeking to help the President screw up the November election mail?
Trump campaign stops running ads….
Hmmmmm? What's this? It seems that the Trump handlers want to try gloss over the virus and economic problems Trump has by focusing on the protests around the country? REALLY? Trump has NO handle of a pandemic that is killing thousand a day and dragging down the … [Read more...] about Trump campaign stops running ads….
Trump trying to play off his tweet about post phoning the election…
Told ya it wasn't joke.... Those who said it was didn't check with "The Donald'.... President Trump on Thursday dodged questions about his tweet raising the idea of delaying the November election, and instead sowed doubt about the validity of what happens in … [Read more...] about Trump trying to play off his tweet about post phoning the election…