THAT is NOT going to happen.... Joe Biden IS a creature of Washington and power.... To think that he won't keep bringing in those who have worked in the Obama, Clinton admin's and Congress before to help him run his government is naive and ridiculous ... You cannot have … [Read more...] about Progressive’s want to to Biden to cut ties with Lobbyist’s and Washington Insiders….
Could Trump’s rants against mail-in voting hurt the Republican vote?
It's certainly NOT gonna hurt the Democratic vote.... In typical Donald Trump fashion will he fuck the November vote up also? Conservatives are growing worried that President Trump’s attacks on mail-in voting could suppress the GOP vote, as Democrats mobilize to take … [Read more...] about Could Trump’s rants against mail-in voting hurt the Republican vote?
Donald Trump has no crowds to cheer him on this time….
The Virus has taken them from him.... The 'big tent' circus show is over.... Donald Trump the entertainer is but memory.... Trump went past his party lawmakers to the people.... His ignoring their health has come back to bite him in so many ways... His beatdown of … [Read more...] about Donald Trump has no crowds to cheer him on this time….
Stormy Daniels loses her libel case against Trump on technical grounds
...from the N Y Times... President Donald Trump scored a legal victory Friday as a federal appeals court upheld a lower court ruling tossing out a libel lawsuit filed against him by adult film star Stormy Daniels over a tweet Trump fired off about her in 2018. The 9th U.S. … [Read more...] about Stormy Daniels loses her libel case against Trump on technical grounds
US debt rating outlook downgraded by one firm….
An ill wind is blowing on the American economy..... The nations debt is growing it continues to give out trillions more than it takes in... Unike any state in America that has to balance it's books...? The American government just keeps prints more and more money when it … [Read more...] about US debt rating outlook downgraded by one firm….
Senate Republican Leader McConnell tells some party Senator’s to walk away from Trump to save their jobs….
We KNEW that at some point this was gonna be the situation.... 'Man the Lifeboats!" I thought it would not happen until September.... More down ballot bailing IS gonna occur... McConnell is now signally that his majority is in serious trouble.... And Donald Trump … [Read more...] about Senate Republican Leader McConnell tells some party Senator’s to walk away from Trump to save their jobs….
Enforcing Wear Your Mask….
Not an easy job.... Since the road reopened on June 1, infections have leaped twelvefold. The rest of Florida has been gripped by the coronavirus, with more than 461,000 cases and over 6,500 deaths. Thursday was the third day in a row that Florida broke its record for the … [Read more...] about Enforcing Wear Your Mask….
Running desperate….Trump is down to his last hope…’Rigged Election’…
The big guy knows he's in deep shit.... So he continues with his attack on the very way he got his job.... The election process... It isn't gonna work... But he's running out of time and options.... Yesterday Congress told him they won't let change the date of the … [Read more...] about Running desperate….Trump is down to his last hope…’Rigged Election’…