Hmmmm? Trying to have it both ways, eh? That's NOT a way to support repealing a law that has actually gotten MORE popular the more Republican had threatened to get rid of it.... (And supporting a lawsuit to cancel the law ain't smart either) On one hand, Republicans … [Read more...] about Some Republican Candidates run ON supporting Obama care benefits….
Turns out that The White House was told that a Family Separation program was trouble….
Their warnings fell on deaf ears... Now it its the judges that are trying make sense of things.... On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held the first and possibly only congressional oversight hearing on the Trump administration immigration policies that led to the … [Read more...] about Turns out that The White House was told that a Family Separation program was trouble….
Bernie Sanders “Medicare for All” could cost $33 trillion…..
This is my main issue with the guy.... Bedsides him not actually being a Democrat? His 'Single-Payer' idea would be impossible to pay for.... The bill on this might not be correct.... But it points to a problem that Sanders has... A new study from the Mercatus … [Read more...] about Bernie Sanders “Medicare for All” could cost $33 trillion…..
Trump Admin does NOT want to acknowledge that America has poverty…..
This is a another example of Donald Trump's living in a Alternate Reality and his supporter's and staff joining him there.... If the Trump administration really thinks poverty doesn’t exist in the U.S., they should tell that to the 15.6 million American families who were … [Read more...] about Trump Admin does NOT want to acknowledge that America has poverty…..
Trump Admin to resume Obamacare insurer risk care payments….
The Affordable Healthcare program (Obamacare), to way of making payments for risk patients was put on hold after a judge made a ruling on if the program should pay for itself..... The judge did NOT ask for the program to be halted, which the Trump admin did.... There has … [Read more...] about Trump Admin to resume Obamacare insurer risk care payments….
Democrats….Why Not run on Obamacare?
Well? How do you like THAT? The political sword that Republicans used in 2010 to cut up Democrats is coming back to hurt them? Obamacare is now something a good amount of Americans do NOT want to go away.... Barack Obama's legacy healthcare legislation IS something … [Read more...] about Democrats….Why Not run on Obamacare?
Insurers are stepping back into Obamacare….
Reports of the programs demise have been GREATLY overblown .... Stories of insurance companies crying about the program where just window dressing.... Smart people knew that the Affordable healthcare program (Obamacare) needed adjustments... It is NO surprise to this … [Read more...] about Insurers are stepping back into Obamacare….
Trump/GOP new tax law has churches and non-profits paying taxes for employee benefits….
Very Interesting.... Are they trying to have those organization STOP providing those benefits ? Republicans have quietly imposed a new tax on churches, synagogues and other nonprofits, a little-noticed and surprising change that could cost some groups tens of thousands of … [Read more...] about Trump/GOP new tax law has churches and non-profits paying taxes for employee benefits….