The President Obama iconic healthcare program isn't going anywhere.... Even the Republicans have backed away from the 'repeal' efforts.... Average premiums for the most common “silver” level insurance plan sold under ObamaCare will fall 1.5 percent in 2019, according to the … [Read more...] about Some Obamacare premiums will drop next year….
Healthcare costs creep up annually….
Don't we know it..... Every year, health care takes a little bigger bite out of workers' bottom lines. Slowly but surely, it has eaten up all of the average workers' wage increases — and then some. The big picture: Overall, the cost of employer-based health benefits is … [Read more...] about Healthcare costs creep up annually….
Republicans try blaming Democrats for everything to escape carrying Trump….
Ok? HTF can Republicans sell Democrats as BIG spenders when they keep passing overgrown budgets and a tax bill that enriches the top 1% of the American Rich? How can they sell to Federal workers the budget INCREASE while cancelling those workers a annual raise? How can … [Read more...] about Republicans try blaming Democrats for everything to escape carrying Trump….
Have a Coca-Cola with a marijuana extract in it?
Yea? You read THAT right.... With carbonated drinks losing market share? Companies are looking everywhere for something new.... The Coca-Cola Co. is in talks with Aurora Cannabis to develop a beverage infused with CBD, a non-psychoactive component of marijuana, BNN … [Read more...] about Have a Coca-Cola with a marijuana extract in it?
Trump admin working hard to roll back worker safety rules….
Anyone surprised a Republican admin is anti-worker, pro employer? I do NOT understand why blue collar workers vote Republican? They are actually voting for people that are looking to cut their jobs, pay and safety..... When President Donald Trump came into office … [Read more...] about Trump admin working hard to roll back worker safety rules….
Democrats can’t just run against Trump…It’s gotta be issues also….
Polling has shown that Democrats should NOT just run against a corrupt Donald Trump.... Unfortunately ? Up to now? Some people are actually numb to his worsening legal revelations .... Democrats candidates are being told to run on issue dear to their constituents … [Read more...] about Democrats can’t just run against Trump…It’s gotta be issues also….
Senator McCain will discontinue treatment for his brain cancer….
Bless the man..... Sen. John McCain, who was diagnosed with brain cancer last year, has made the decision to discontinue medical treatment, his family said in a statement on Friday. "Last summer, Senator John McCain shared with Americans the news our family already knew: … [Read more...] about Senator McCain will discontinue treatment for his brain cancer….
A majority of Americans approve of Obamacare…Fox Poll….
Yes... You read the above correct.... That is from right leaning Fox.... And? The GOP so called life saver? The tax cut/give away? Is only approved by 40% of Americans.... Seems like the two of the major policy efforts of Trump and the Republicans for the … [Read more...] about A majority of Americans approve of Obamacare…Fox Poll….