Across the country cases are on the rise.... The worst are is the MidWest... There are increases in 'reported' cases almost everywhere.... Reported Hospital stays are starting to rise but deaths are decreasing...(they usually lag behind case numbers)... Following the … [Read more...] about Virus Update for Nov. 19, 2021…Case Spikes and Booster Shots….
US House passes Biden ‘Build Back Better’ Social and Climate Bill….
The President and Democrats are almost there on their historic effort to get legislation that they hope help America fully recover from and economic morass spurred on by a pandemic... Price tag around $2 Trillion going over to the Senate....... The President and Democrats … [Read more...] about US House passes Biden ‘Build Back Better’ Social and Climate Bill….
100,000 Americans died thru drug overdoses during 12 months of the pandemic
Things do NOT stand still..... The U.S. drug epidemic reached another terrible milestone Wednesday when the government announced that more than 100,000 people had died of overdoses between April 2020 and April 2021. It is the first time that drug-related deaths have … [Read more...] about 100,000 Americans died thru drug overdoses during 12 months of the pandemic
OSHA suspends Biden Mandate…..
The issue raised is can the Labor Dept thru OSHA issue a nation wise ‘health mandate’? Health mandates issued by Governors have been affirmed by the courts Biden’s has an escaped clause Testing in place of vaccine’s BYW? OSHA HAS rescinded its order due the court … [Read more...] about OSHA suspends Biden Mandate…..
Pelosi looks to get Biden Social Spending Bill approved by the House this week….
The House Speaker has told her collages that that she will keep them at work until the 'Build Back Better' legislation is passed.... Could that mean Thanksgiving at work? I doubt that... Of course with their approval the bill goes back to the Senate for their … [Read more...] about Pelosi looks to get Biden Social Spending Bill approved by the House this week….
By 2-1 Americans think the Supreme’s should NOT throw out Roe v. Wade Abortion protection….
Will the poll's numbers matter to the Right leaning High Court members? Most of the American public it would seem support 'Women's Rights' in this ..... Americans by a roughly two-to-one margin say the Supreme Court should uphold Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that … [Read more...] about By 2-1 Americans think the Supreme’s should NOT throw out Roe v. Wade Abortion protection….
Republicans want to dial back the clock of America….
Ya can't go backwards..... It doesn't work THAT way.... When Donald Trump was president, Republicans generally thought life had improved since the 1950s. Since he's left office, more are longing for white, Christian America's 'golden age,' a survey … [Read more...] about Republicans want to dial back the clock of America….
4.4 million Americans quit their jobs in September ….
That IS a record number..... Some reasons... The Pandemic and it's collateral damage... Pay disparities .... Retirements.... Businesses have hired millions of American workers since April 2020, continuing to add employees even during a surge in coronavirus … [Read more...] about 4.4 million Americans quit their jobs in September ….