The Felon American President IS a crooked as the Day IS Long.... And he's getting rid the Federal cops that would stop him.... He's already got Congress and few judges in his pocket.... I didn't believe it.... But this numnuts COULD just be pulling a coup in broad … [Read more...] about If ya work for Trump?…He Gifts ya Stock in his Media Company….
Firing FBI/DOJ People for going after Trump is probably gonna cost taxpayers money
Gonna be TONS of civil suits for this…. We ARE dealing with lawyers and FBI agents…. This IS about a President , who is a FELON, trying get rid of the cops that went after him for his effort's to overturn a election... SOMEONE needs to step in and STOP … [Read more...] about Firing FBI/DOJ People for going after Trump is probably gonna cost taxpayers money
Breaking…Musk people LOCK US Government employee’s OUT OF US Govt. HR System…
Holly Shit! We ARE having a Coup Occur in this Country.... Musk and Co. are NOT the US Government.... But is this a Blue print for Trump to HAVE Elon Musk TAKE OVER the US Government while we ALL stand by helpless? Aides to Elon Musk charged with running the … [Read more...] about Breaking…Musk people LOCK US Government employee’s OUT OF US Govt. HR System…
Trump’s Tariffs actually planned for March 1st…
The ANNOUNCEMENT IS they will begin February Ist... But implemantation is reported to be over the month OF February.... There are supposted to be exemptions ... Plenty of dancing time for Trump to try and wiggle something out of Canada, China and Mexico.... That … [Read more...] about Trump’s Tariffs actually planned for March 1st…
Pentagon Gitmo migrant detention plan surprise to them…..
It's the way things work these days with Trump and Project 2025... No heads up.... No questions on feasibility or logistics.... (There are only 15 prisnors there now..) Just throwdowns from on High..... As usual... With Trump? It's a fucking … [Read more...] about Pentagon Gitmo migrant detention plan surprise to them…..
Top Republican Rep. on FAA says Diversity had nothing to do with the DC Crash…
President Trump HAS gone Racial on his crash response ... A Republican overseeing the FAA has dismissed Trump's view.... And cautioned that the Government's NTSB should be allowed to do it's job free of political leaning.... Rep. Sam Graves, the Missouri Republican in … [Read more...] about Top Republican Rep. on FAA says Diversity had nothing to do with the DC Crash…
Trump is threatening Canada and Mexico AGAIN….
Here we go AGAIN.... Like a broken skipping record? The President of the United States is flexing on the countries Northern and Southern Border countries... This is NOT about ANYTHING except Trump trying to get cheaper prices from our 'neighbour's.... Seeing Columbia … [Read more...] about Trump is threatening Canada and Mexico AGAIN….
Ukraine Update…Day 1,062…Putin wants the Whole Ukraine….
Nothing Less... And he's also messing with the EU's Europe.... See the ISW piece below on this which is about what Potin will want in talking to Trump, who HAS CONTINUED America arms and aid to Ukraine... Drone wars contiune.... A Russian drone … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…Day 1,062…Putin wants the Whole Ukraine….