Donald Trump HAS been mounting a 2020 re-election effort from the second he took the oath to be President.... He has begun to staff up and is raising money.... There isn't ANYONE I have talked to that belives he will get a second term... Most actaully are with me in … [Read more...] about Trump 2020?….Few Republicans ready to even mention this….
Democrat leads in Arizona US Senate race to replace Republican Senator Flake…….
Little by little it seems that Democrats could start thinking that November's election might allow them a decent chance to get a US Senate majority along with the expected US House one.... Oh, and Donald Trump IS coming out more and more as lead weight for some Republican … [Read more...] about Democrat leads in Arizona US Senate race to replace Republican Senator Flake…….
Trump NOW says he didn’t fire Comey because of the Russia investigation?
Huh? Seems like another one Donald Trump's reality bending comments.... President Trump’s Twitter tirades against James B. Comey, the former FBI director he fired last May, continued on Wednesday morning. .... Doanld J Trump @realDonaldTrump Slippery James Comey, … [Read more...] about Trump NOW says he didn’t fire Comey because of the Russia investigation?
A Republican talking head pleads for a new party and thinks Dem’s could get 40-50 House seats come November….
Alex Castellanos does a pice in Politico this morning that argues that under Trump? The Republican's will lose a TON of House seat elections in 6 1/2 months from now.... His piece is acll to action for the Grand Ole Party now.... He outlines several goals that the party … [Read more...] about A Republican talking head pleads for a new party and thinks Dem’s could get 40-50 House seats come November….
Donald J. Trump…The American President whose words don’t mean much…Open Thread for 4/18/18…..
We have come to realize that Donald J. Trump often says things that have NOTHING to do with reality.... Who says one thing.... They changes it the next day.... That makes comments that staff have to try and clarify, only to have their boss confuse things … [Read more...] about Donald J. Trump…The American President whose words don’t mean much…Open Thread for 4/18/18…..
Democrat Beto O’Rourke trails GOP US Senator Ted Cruz by only 3 points in Texas race…
A new 'Q' poll has this race closer than anyone might image in Red State Texas.... Now we're 6 1/2 months out from election day 2018.... And this IS Texas we're talking about.... So' hold your horses'.... But with all this Democratic 'wave' stuff going on? Maybe … [Read more...] about Democrat Beto O’Rourke trails GOP US Senator Ted Cruz by only 3 points in Texas race…
Top U.S. Banks Made $2.5 Billion From Tax Law—in One Quarter
Steal from the poor and middle class..... Give to the RICH..... Big banks just received the first installment of benefits corporate America will reap from the new federal tax law. The haul: more than $2.5 billion. The latest gain came Tuesday when Goldman Sachs Group … [Read more...] about Top U.S. Banks Made $2.5 Billion From Tax Law—in One Quarter
New York Governor Cuomo to pardon felons on parole to allow them to vote…
We are talking about more than 35,000 people banned from voting due to their felony convictions.... Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced on Wednesday that he intends to restore voting rights to felons on parole, a move that would open the ballot box to more than 35,000 people. The … [Read more...] about New York Governor Cuomo to pardon felons on parole to allow them to vote…