With several others jumping in the Democratic Presidential nomination sweepstakes for 2020 already? Joe Biden has to decide if he's gonna join in and run.... He IS the leader in the polling and has been for a quite a while.... Joe Biden brought his not-yet-a-campaign … [Read more...] about Joe Biden says he’ll let us know ‘soon’…..
Trump to do State of the Union speech Feb. 5….He and Pelosi talk by phone…
House Speaker has extended an invitation to the President to appear before a joint session of Congress on February 5.... She had told Trump that when the government was open and workers where back the speech was to be given..... She has kept her word.... Trump has agreed … [Read more...] about Trump to do State of the Union speech Feb. 5….He and Pelosi talk by phone…
Trump goes after some Fox News talking heads….
Ok? For those of us who where worried about Donald Trump going after Democrats and Nancy Pelosi? Sit-down.... One forgets... Donald Trump lives in an alternate Universe.... I get the impression that the true Trump KNOWS when he's against a foe he can't beat and has … [Read more...] about Trump goes after some Fox News talking heads….
Hillary Clinton 2020 noise again?
It's noise.... Hillary Clinton running again would be NOT make a LOT of people happy... Too many for her to looked as a serious candidate.... Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, reportedly has yet to rule out running for the Oval Office again in … [Read more...] about Hillary Clinton 2020 noise again?
Donald Trump 2020?
With the Democrats already lining up to run for President these days.... Media editors are sending their reporters out to do stories on Donald Trump thinking about a second term.... One might ask is this a bit premature? Donald J. Trump is having enough trouble getting … [Read more...] about Donald Trump 2020?
Bernie Sanders is getting ready to run for President again….
The Vermont Independent US Senator will give things one more try.... His chances of securing the Democratic party Presidential nomination are lass than the last time, in which he lost .... That said? Bernie Sanders shares the top tier right now with Joe Biden and Beto … [Read more...] about Bernie Sanders is getting ready to run for President again….
Trump blinks …Will NOT do the State of the Union speech until after the government shutdown…
Democratic US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gets her way.... Donald Trump continues to show he is an inept President .... There was no plane 'B' on Trump's attempt to bluff Pelosi.... President Trump said late Wednesday that he would deliver his State of the Union address … [Read more...] about Trump blinks …Will NOT do the State of the Union speech until after the government shutdown…
House Speaker Pelosi ain’t playin……
Donald Trump and Co. don't seem to get it..... White House officials were caught off guard Wednesday by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi formally disinviting President Donald Trump from giving his State of the Union address from the House chamber, leaving them scrambling for a … [Read more...] about House Speaker Pelosi ain’t playin……