THAT question is on a billboard in Times Square.... For those who think EVERY GOPer likes the guy? Think Again.... An anti-Trump Republican group launched a billboard in Times Square asking “what is Trump hiding?” as the impeachment process presses forward with a House … [Read more...] about Anti-Trump group…’What is Trump hiding?’
Fox News’ viewership bigger than CNN or MSNBC….
A new poll says Fox News , with it rughtwingnuts and blondes is watched by a LOT of Americans... Fox News is most-watched news outlet in roughly 70% of U.S. congressional districts, according to a new analysis of more than 1 million respondents over the past year from Morning … [Read more...] about Fox News’ viewership bigger than CNN or MSNBC….
Joe Biden keeps cruising in the Democratic lead….
The media seems to be trying to make Bernie Sanders the new flavour of the week... But ole' Joe , fresh off of a bus ride thru Iowa just keeps his lead in the national polling.... In the early states of Iowa and New Hampshire? Recent polls have Biden and Buttigieg within … [Read more...] about Joe Biden keeps cruising in the Democratic lead….
The Trump campaign plan to win a second term….
Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner has presented a road map his campaign intends to follow to squeeze out a second term win .... In consist's of.... Beating down and into submission the 'Never Trumper's' Going local in trying squeeze support in small counties that … [Read more...] about The Trump campaign plan to win a second term….
Some Democrats attend Trump Congressional Ball….
Most from Trump districts,,,, But some not.... Only around 7... Half a dozen House Democrats attended the White House Congressional Ball last night while their colleagues on the Judiciary Committee worked late into the night on articles of impeachment, according to two … [Read more...] about Some Democrats attend Trump Congressional Ball….
Democrats to have 4 Presidential nomination debates in January and February….
For those who still need this? They will have a better chance to see the final people up for the nomination.... The debate's will be in the early states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.... (Right now Biden leads in two of the states and Buttigieg leads … [Read more...] about Democrats to have 4 Presidential nomination debates in January and February….
Pelosi knocks the media for enabling Donald Trump….
Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked by The Hollywood Reporter about Hollywood’s role in creating Donald Trump. Said Pelosi: “Well, let me say I’ve never seen his reality show, so I don’t know if it was any good or what. I do think that he was assisted by the communications … [Read more...] about Pelosi knocks the media for enabling Donald Trump….
Latest Iowa and New Hampshire and other Democratic polls… Biden….Buttigieg…
Good News for Buttigieg..... Better News for Biden..... Bad News for Warren.... Steve Koczela @skoczela Our new NH Democratic Primary poll for @WBUR -Buttigieg 18% -Biden 17% -Sanders 15% -Warren 12% -Gabbard 5% -Yang 5% … [Read more...] about Latest Iowa and New Hampshire and other Democratic polls… Biden….Buttigieg…