Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Andrew Cuomo The contest was who would lead the Democratic delegation to the 2020 Democratic Convention.... The powerful Democrat Governor of New York's vs the iconic first term Progressive Democratic Queens , New York House member.... It … [Read more...] about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez vs Andrew Cuomo…Who wins?
The ground maybe moving from underneath Trump and Republicans…
...from the twitter universe ... Dave Wasserman @Redistrict Basically, what's happening: in many red counties in FL/PA, thousands of registered Ds who voted Trump in '16 have officially switched to R or, ahem, exited the … [Read more...] about The ground maybe moving from underneath Trump and Republicans…
Trump now pushing mail-in voting Florida?
Yup! Hmmmmm? Does THAT have anything to do with him behind in the polls? Or that he mailed in his ballot in the state ? What would make him change directions and now support something he's been rants AGAINST? President Trump on Tuesday encouraged voters in Florida … [Read more...] about Trump now pushing mail-in voting Florida?
There are primaries August 4th, 2020….
August 4, 2020 Primary Preview, Part 2: Congressional Races This week kicks off the August primary season, and it is a big one with five midsize states going to the polls. As there is a lot going on, we are splitting the preview into two parts. Part 1 covered state-level … [Read more...] about There are primaries August 4th, 2020….
The TikTok thing ….It’s complicated…
Donald Trump is after the social media outfit.... He has threatened to ban it... Microsoft is in talks to buy it from it's Chinese owner... It IS very popular... It now has a 45 day breathing period from Trump.... China does NOT allow most American social media … [Read more...] about The TikTok thing ….It’s complicated…
Trump campaign begs for more Biden debates….
Donald Trump has always wanted the spot light on himself... THAT is sinking his keeping his job prospect .... So? His people are begging for more debates to have Trump try to use his charm bluster on Biden trying to beat him down... It will also get Trump back on the … [Read more...] about Trump campaign begs for more Biden debates….
Donald Trump has no crowds to cheer him on this time….
The Virus has taken them from him.... The 'big tent' circus show is over.... Donald Trump the entertainer is but memory.... Trump went past his party lawmakers to the people.... His ignoring their health has come back to bite him in so many ways... His beatdown of … [Read more...] about Donald Trump has no crowds to cheer him on this time….
Major League Baseball is having virus issues…
...from the NY Post... MLB’s coronavirus problem is spreading quickly. The Brewers-Cardinals game Friday night has been postponed, The Post’s Joel Sherman confirmed. The Cardinals had two positive tests and are self-isolating at their hotel. The Marlins have had 17 … [Read more...] about Major League Baseball is having virus issues…