Donald Trump may ask black voters 'why not support him'? He may say he's made the economy better.... But he NOT really talking to them..... Nor are most of his GOP friends either.... The Republican's up front efforts to make the rich...RICHER and attacks on things … [Read more...] about With Donald Trump…Republican don’t look/want Black voter support….
Will Republicans ‘go down with Trump’s ship’ in the end?
CNN's legal talking head Jefferey Tobin thinks so.... CNN’s chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin explained Tuesday why he doesn’t believe GOP lawmakers will abandon their support of President Donald Trump anytime soon, despite his deepening legal woes. “The … [Read more...] about Will Republicans ‘go down with Trump’s ship’ in the end?
Women Republican lawmakers in Congress want more respect and larger numbers….
Good Luck.... As they watch Democratic women lawmakers increase in number in Congress? The Republican women begin to grumble to their party leaders.... They have a steep hill to climb.... A band of lawmakers stood ready to support Rep. Ann Wagner (left) in leading the … [Read more...] about Women Republican lawmakers in Congress want more respect and larger numbers….
Republicans keep shrinking the IRS….
Nobody actually likes the Internal Revenue Service.... But agencies job IS to collect money for the government to pay its bills.... Ever since the Republicans have controlled Congress? The agency has had its budget hacked away.... Now the agency ran afoul of … [Read more...] about Republicans keep shrinking the IRS….
Sometimes Supreme Court justice’s don’t turn out like one might think they would….
Yesterday while all the noise was going on about Donald Trump and troubles? I noticed and then other did also something about the US Supreme Court.... In a new ruling they came down in FAVOR of Planned Parenthood.... Yup.... I FAVOR of Planned parenthood, the same … [Read more...] about Sometimes Supreme Court justice’s don’t turn out like one might think they would….
Outgoing Utah GOP Senator Orrin Hatch doesn’t care if Trump broke the law…’He’s doing a good job as President’?
HUH? WTF? Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) on Monday dismissed federal charges implicating President Trump in crimes committed by his former lawyer, saying that he doesn't care about the argument made in a court filing by the Southern District of New York because Trump is a good … [Read more...] about Outgoing Utah GOP Senator Orrin Hatch doesn’t care if Trump broke the law…’He’s doing a good job as President’?
Trump: Dems ‘wrongly’ call a ‘simple private transaction’ a ‘campaign contribution’
Donald Trump is talking about payoff's of 'hush money ' to the women he slept with on the side.... He has previously said in public he knew NOTHING about these payments.... President Trump on Monday said Democrats are "wrongly" calling a "simple private transaction" a … [Read more...] about Trump: Dems ‘wrongly’ call a ‘simple private transaction’ a ‘campaign contribution’
Forbes: Trump appears to be swindling his campaign contributors for profit…
Aldous J Pennyfarthing @ Daily Kos..... The torrent of Donald-Trump-is-a-debauched-amoral-criminal news yesterday drowned out this revealing piece from Dan Alexander, who works the Donald-Trump-is-a-debauched-amoral-criminal beat … [Read more...] about Forbes: Trump appears to be swindling his campaign contributors for profit…