The question is what will happen with Brexit, which Johnson has been unable to get done..... U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson appears to be steaming toward the parliamentary majority he desperately desires to pass his Brexit deal and end the gridlock in Westminster. Why it … [Read more...] about Boris Johnson leads in UK Prime Minister polling….
Democrats to hand up two impeachment charges against Donald Trump….
The House Democrats have settled on charges that US House will vote on against the sitting President Donald J. Trump.....Trump will be the 4th US President in history to be charged.... The whole House must vote to support the reported misdeeds.... With the expected … [Read more...] about Democrats to hand up two impeachment charges against Donald Trump….
Early December 2019 Democratic Presidential nomination polling….
Joe Biden keeps his lead nationally.... Bernie Sanders now in second place, with Elizabeth Warren in 3rd and Pete Buttigieg rounding out the top tier in 4th place... Morning Consult @MorningConsult NEW early-state tracking: Biden: 28% (+3) … [Read more...] about Early December 2019 Democratic Presidential nomination polling….
A look at Hillary Clinton’s “What happened” book….
I haven’t read Hillary Clinton’s book, “What Happened” but the reviews I’ve seen said that in that book she blames everyone but herself for the result of the 2016 general election. The Buck Stopped Somewhere Else. Her chief mistakes in my eyes seem to have been (1) curtailing … [Read more...] about A look at Hillary Clinton’s “What happened” book….
DOJ Insp Gen says FBI was right to probe Trump campaign Russian contacts
Another bull shit story Donald Trump tried selling is found wanting.... In his long-awaited report into the origins of the 2016 Russia probe, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz found "serious performance failures" by some FBI officials, but ultimately … [Read more...] about DOJ Insp Gen says FBI was right to probe Trump campaign Russian contacts
Hillary Clinton complains about Bernie not helping her back in 2016…
I often repeat here that Senator Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat even though he runs with them... There IS a undercurrent of resent met against him among some Democrats.... Hillary Clinton has brought it up... Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) dismissed Hillary Clinton’s … [Read more...] about Hillary Clinton complains about Bernie not helping her back in 2016…
The covers come off the Afghan war…It isn’t pretty…
The Washington Post has gained access to a trove of internal documents that show a misguided and inept war effort in that country... The Russians left the country in push that was helped by the American and NATO military....Things have been no better for the … [Read more...] about The covers come off the Afghan war…It isn’t pretty…
Russia banded from international sports for 4 years due to doping…
That means no show up and compete fro TWO Olympics, Soccer and other sports evens.... The World Anti-Doping Agency executive committee handed down the most severe punishment to date in the years-long Russian doping saga, issuing a four-year ban that will bar Russia from … [Read more...] about Russia banded from international sports for 4 years due to doping…