While other Republicans's might be upset with the guy for bucking Donald Trump? The Republican US Senator from Utah is looked at with admiration in the place that counts for him keeping his job.... Within hours of Senator Mitt Romney’s vote to remove President Trump from … [Read more...] about Mitt Romney is doing fine in Utah…..
Political Roundup for February 10th, 2020…Bernie…Biden…Klobuchar…NeverTrump…RRH Elections
President Bernie: The good men and women of 538 have, as they are wont to do, run some numbers, and they’re good for Bernie Sanders. The man who was once asked to leave a commune because he wouldn’t shut up about the revolution is leading the vanguard of the proletariat to … [Read more...] about Political Roundup for February 10th, 2020…Bernie…Biden…Klobuchar…NeverTrump…RRH Elections
The political media moving to write Joe Biden off?….
There has NOT been one Democratic primary.... There has been one busted caucus in a state , Iowa , with less people then 37 states.... And 4% minority ...... But you would think the guy polling ahead of the field in national polling was done.... Tomorrow will be the … [Read more...] about The political media moving to write Joe Biden off?….
What does Mike Bloomberg think Donald Trump is only capable of?…
Short term memory actions incidental to .... Doing a deal... Like the New York City Real Estate guy Trump IS and ALWAYS WILL be.... American President's have been MUCH more that that.... They have been long term politicians working to keep bonds for themselves and … [Read more...] about What does Mike Bloomberg think Donald Trump is only capable of?…
Iowa Democrats announce caucus delegate allocation…Buttigieg wins the most…
These numbers are from an Iowa review of the Monday caucus results.... Bernie Sanders announcement that HE won Iowa is WRONG.... Pete Buttigieg is actually the leader in delegates for the 2020 Democratic Presidential primary right now.... Pete Buttigieg has … [Read more...] about Iowa Democrats announce caucus delegate allocation…Buttigieg wins the most…
Some Real Clear Politics Democratic state polling listings from 1/30/2020 to 2/9/2020
I'm listing all the states EXCEPT New Hampshire which has had a ton polls come everyday... North Carolina Democratic Presidential Primary PPP (D) Biden 25, Sanders 16, Bloomberg 14, Warren 12, Buttigieg 9, Klobuchar 5, Yang 5, Steyer 2, Gabbard Biden +9 South … [Read more...] about Some Real Clear Politics Democratic state polling listings from 1/30/2020 to 2/9/2020
Donald Trump’s new budget cuts foreign aid by almost 25%…Give’s the money to Defense…
Added to this is an effort to starve Obamacare ... Cut Medicaid.... Cut Medicare..... Cut's in HUD's budget... Cut's in The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention... Cut's in the Commerce Dept..... And more.... Of course the President's budget wishes has … [Read more...] about Donald Trump’s new budget cuts foreign aid by almost 25%…Give’s the money to Defense…
Obama to Trump Democratic Iowa places had Dem’s staying home…
Hmmmmm? Does this mean the current roster of people vying for there nomination has NOT made a dent in Trump's support among those who left Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump? Remember... Iowa voted FOR Donald Trump after being in the Obama Democratic column for 8 … [Read more...] about Obama to Trump Democratic Iowa places had Dem’s staying home…