While New York Governor Cuomo has been in the headlines 'opening' up the states regions... That opening is NOT a 'all clear'..... Each region will require a 4 phase process approval ... Below is a rundown of the phrase's.... Phase One will allow construction, … [Read more...] about New York State virus restrictions phases explained….
Gov Cuomo: ‘Long Island will open tomorrow’ from some coronavirus restriction’s..
Seems like it already has.... More traffic and small food stores back.... There ARE STILL restrictions on the number of people and the the types on businesses that may open... Long Island will officially start the first phase of reopening its economy on Wednesday after … [Read more...] about Gov Cuomo: ‘Long Island will open tomorrow’ from some coronavirus restriction’s..
Jason Furman’s Politico ‘Great Economy recovery’ piece for Trump is wrong….
Politico is out with a piece from former Obama admin top economist Jason Furman.... It has created quite a stir in the twitter universe... Furman essentially says that HE expects the American Economy to come roaring back so strong that Donald Trump will be able to beat Joe … [Read more...] about Jason Furman’s Politico ‘Great Economy recovery’ piece for Trump is wrong….
Joe Biden just keeps going with his lead over Donald Trump…
He's already besting Hillary Clinton's running four years ago.... Can he keep it up? It's probably more up to Donald Trump and his headwinds then Biden... With lousy 3 1/2 years history in office, a virus crisis and economy headed downward? And Donald Trump's … [Read more...] about Joe Biden just keeps going with his lead over Donald Trump…
America is set to launch men back into Space again….
It's be a decade since NASA has sent American astronauts into space... The last ten year they have have had to hitch rides up on Russian space craft.... This time a private outfit with NASA ex-people named Space X will be sending their Crew Dragon fancy capsule up to the … [Read more...] about America is set to launch men back into Space again….
A Joe Biden Presidency and the Defense Budget and Policies…
Aviation Week runs piece on what might be in store for the American Defense industry and Government Policy... Some will be a continuance of present policies... Some will naturally go back to the Obama/Biden admin policies.... Remember... Joe Biden would have a virus … [Read more...] about A Joe Biden Presidency and the Defense Budget and Policies…
A Florida 74 year old Republican turned Indie who didn’t vote for Hillary….Will vote for Biden…
The Washington Post tells a story about 74 year old Allen Lehner.... A voter Joe Biden is gonna get .... That Donald Trump needs... Allen Lehner was a Republican until Donald Trump became his party’s nominee in 2016. The 74-year-old retiree says he couldn’t bring himself … [Read more...] about A Florida 74 year old Republican turned Indie who didn’t vote for Hillary….Will vote for Biden…
U.S. Senators up for re-election this year or retirement next January.
A list of U.S. Senators up for re-election this year and/or retirement next January. This is from the 2018 Congressional Directory, so some entries have changed. CLASS II.—SENATORS WHOSE TERMS OF SERVICE EXPIRE IN 2021 33 US Senators in this group: Republicans, 21; … [Read more...] about U.S. Senators up for re-election this year or retirement next January.